Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Stephenson, Wall, and Hocutt Memorial
Pleasant Grove Primitive Baptist Church, Boldo, Alabama
Saturday Night, March 14, 2015
The annual Stephenson, Wall, and Hocutt Memorial Sacred Harp singing held at Pleasant Grove Primitive Baptist Church, Boldo, Alabama, on Saturday night before the third Sunday in March was called to order by Velton Chafin leading 42. The opening prayer was offered by Elder Ronald Gilmore.
The class was organized and the following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Velton Chafin; Vice Chairman—Henry Guthery; Secretary—Margaret Keeton; Arranging Officer—Wanda Capps.
Velton Chafin welcomed the class and talked about the singers in whose memory this singing is held. He led 98. Leaders: Willodean Barton 454, 480; Hazel Gilmore and Ronald Gilmore 475, 111b; Emma Calvert 108t, 388; Judy Caudle 389, 111t; Eugene Forbes 213b; Betty Baccus 391; Jim Aaron 47b, 231; Amber Davis 299; Don Keeton 482, 373; Loretta Whitman 81t, 124; Henry Guthery 488, 534; Steve Adams and Amber Davis 99, 101t; Julianna Jett 88t; Jerry Kitchens 108b, 146.
Velton Chafin brought the class back to order by leading 184. Leaders: Ottis Sides 530, 61; Rebecca Over 349, 564; Ann Jett 546; Richard Mauldin 77t, 168; Linda Sides 270, 225t; Emily Brown 106, 278t; Lisa Geist 527, 269; Earl Ballinger 97; Bea Aaron 426b, 175; Larry Ballinger 34b; Angela Myers 500; Yancey Jett 144; Glenn Keeton 365; Brenda Chafin 171; Wanda Capps, Emma Calvert, Emily Brown, Reece Brown, Ann Jett, Yancey Jett, and Julianna Jett 342 (in memory of Harrison Creel); Emma Calvert 119.
Following announcements, Velton Chafin led 521 as the closing song. Glenn Keeton dismissed the class with prayer.
Chairman—Velton Chafin; Vice Chairman—Henry Guthery; Secretary—Margaret Keeton