Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Tennessee State Sacred Harp Singing

Christ Family Church, Arrington, Tennessee

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Tennessee State Sacred Harp Singing was held in the Christ Family Church in Arrington, Tennessee. The class was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Ron Harper leading 138b. Bob Simmons offered the morning prayer.

The class organized by appointing the following officers to serve: Chairman—Ron Harper; Arranging Officer—Jeff Adcock; Secretary—Janie Harper.

Leaders: Ron Harper 370; Jeff Adcock 49t; Caleb Dillehay 47t; Phil Summerlin 39t; Sandy Scott 108b; Laurens Blankers 84; Chris Kinnard 146; Vickie See and Billy See 354b; David Carlton 134; Bob Simmons 229; Lomax Ballinger 81t; Ron Harper 203; Eddie Mash 217; Darrell Swarens 36b; Barrett Patton 270, 136; Caleb Dillehay 129; Phil Summerlin 35; Marilyn Burchett 551; Michelle Cull 168; Rick Fretter 350; Gail Doss 66.


Leaders: Sandy Scott 282; Brenda Waters 49b; Laurens Blankers 155; Chris Kinnard and Jeff Adcock 63.

Jeff Adcock spoke on behalf of the sick and shut-ins and in memory of the deceased. Bob Simmons offered a prayer.

Leaders: David Carlton 332; Vickie See and Billy See 159; Bob Simmons 373; Lomax Ballinger 67; Ron Harper 173; Eddie Mash 475; Darrell Swarens and Michelle Cull 236; Gail Doss 37b; Rick Fretter 299; Marilyn Burchett 29t; Barrett Patton 384, 135. Eddie Mash offered prayer before the noon meal.


The class resumed singing with Ron Harper leading 131b. Leaders: Brenda Waters 515; Caleb Dillehay 440; Eddie Mash 480; Lomax Ballinger 277; Michelle Cull 128; Darrell Swarens 198; Gail Doss 125; Vickie See and Billy See 457; Laurens Blankers 479; Sandy Scott, John Wendt, and Carol Wendt 361; John Wendt and Carol Wendt 496; David Carlton 189; Rick Fetters 107; Bryon Burchett 192, 455; Marilyn Burchett 334; Gary Sides 491; Ron Harper 358.

Following announcements, Ron Harper and Eddie Mash led 328 as the closing song. Jeff Adcock offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Ron Harper; Secretary—Janie Harper