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Cotaco Convention

Gum Pond Primitive Baptist Church, Morgan County, Alabama

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The 126th session of the Cotaco Convention was held at Gum Pond Primitive Baptist Church on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in July. The class was called to order by J.L. Hopper leading 49t and 48t. The morning prayer was offered by Milford Cobbs.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—J.L. Hopper; Vice Chairman—Delone Cobbs; Secretary—Judy Caudle; Arranging Officer—Nicholas Thompson.

Leaders: J.L. Hopper 26; Delone Cobbs 32t, 354t; Judy Caudle 104, 40 (for Marlin, Juanita, and Dennis Beasley); Nicholas Thompson 122, 418; Nathan Rees 410b, 374; Chris Ballinger 146, 147t; Brenda Chafin 217, 336 (for Marlin, Juanita, and Dennis Beasley); Scott Ivey 505, 271b; Loretta Whitman 129, 480; Rodney Ivey 234; Cindy Tanner 208, 342; Kelsey Ivey 97, 206.


Delone Cobbs led 285t (in memory of Herbert Cobbs). Leaders: Susan Cherones 564, 300; Nancy Thompson 452, 384; Dennis George 453, 487; Hazel Heinze 515, 86; Elene Stovall 68b (for Verlon and Mary Ruth Stiefel), 411; Tom George 54, 350; Larry Ballinger 448b; Susan Allred 112, 385b; Butch White 535, 547; Jonathan Smith 428, 211; Carol Newman 220, 358; Cheyenne Ivey 215, 110. Elder Daniel Hopper offered the blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with J.L. Hopper leading 137. Leaders: Dan Hopper 479, 140; David Ivey 232; Milford Cobbs 405; Karen Ivey 76b; Angela Myers 131b, 106; Norma Green and Nate Green 570, 378b; Richard Ivey 213t, 329; Steve Adams 339, 331; Roy Turrentine 95, 270; Loyd Ivey 337, 204; Brenda Chafin 542; Scott Ivey and Rodney Ivey 322 (for Mary Ruth Stiefel); Tom George 430; Elene Stovall, Kelsey Ivey, and Cheyenne Ivey 500; Nathan Rees 462; Dennis George 316; Hazel Heinze 63; Larry Ballinger and Chris Ballinger 410t; Susan Cherones 209; Jonathan Smith 351; Dan Hopper 205 (for Glenda Hopper).

The opportunity for hosting the next Cotaco Convention was given, and no requests were received, so the convention will remain with Gum Pond Church for another year. Announcements were made.

J.L. Hopper led 75 (for Lily Hopper and Wilda Holmes). He led 62 as the closing song. Nicholas Thompson dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—J.L. Hopper; Vice Chairman—Delone Cobbs; Secretary—Judy Caudle