Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Liberty Church

Henagar, Alabama

March 30, 1997

The annual fifth Sunday singing at Liberty Baptist Church was called to order with David Ivey leading songs on pages 82t and 108t. The morning prayer was led by Brother Bud Laney.

David Ivey led song on page 42. Leaders: Loyd Ivey 61, 59; Rex Wilks 67, 33b; Rodney Ivey 29t; Marlon Wootten 283; Norma Latham 34b, 480; Sandy Ivey and Scott Ivey 87, 163b. Shane Wootten was appointed Arranging Committee and led songs on pages 300 and 354b. Leaders: Tony Ivey 217, 139; S. T. Reed 138t, 138b; Tyler Wilks 65, 128; Eloise Wootten 318, 186; Bud Oliver 30t, 145b.


The class resumed singing with David Ivey leading song on page 76b. Leaders: Alexandra Makris 425; Boyd Scott 68b, 358; Richard Ivey 306, 111b; Lamar Smith 343, 36b; Martha Monroe and Hobert Ivey 426t; Martha Monroe, Hobert Ivey, and Loyd Ivey 454; Karen Travis and Rachel Travis 45t, 147t; Milton Oliver 329; Syble Adams 430; Stuart Ivey 236; Shelbie Sheppard 415; Jenny Wootten 459 (Cooper Book), 344; Dewayne Wootten 345t; Sheila Wootten 532; Phillip Wootten 47b; Freeman Wootten and Jewel Wootten 97, 49b; Jackson Harcrow 63.


David Ivey brought the afternoon session together leading “We Will Sing With The Angels There”. Leaders: Jeffery Wootten 176t; Grady Price “Trusting”, 143; Teresa Bethune, Candice Bethune, Lindsay Bethune, Marion Biddle, Ivey Biddle, Adam Biddle, Will Ivey, and Scott Ivey “That Beautiful Land”, 551; Eloise Avery 35, 32t; Sarah Harcrow 127; Jap Walton 153; Marty Wootten 66; Roy Nelson 330 (t? b?); Susan Harcrow 327, 479; Marshall Avery 74b, 278b; Terry Wootten 316, 475; Louis Hughes 489b, 523; Aaron Wootten 49t; Mattie Townsel 124; Joyce Walton 205; Jeff Sheppard 273 (for B. M. Smith), 284 (for Margie Smith); Leola Smith 182, 234; Allison Ivey 40, 176 (t? b?); Coy Ivey and Karen Ivey “Beautiful River”, “Cleansing Fountain”; Robert Harper “Sweet By and By”; John Henry Busby and Loyd Ivey “Jesus Died For Me”; Charles Stiefel and Terry Wootten 445; Ricky Harcrow “We Will Sing With The Angels There”; Larue Lankford 480.

Announcements were made. David Ivey, Marlon Wootten and Tony Ivey led song on page 201 for the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer by Tony Ivey.

Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairman—Marlon Wootten; Secretary—Norma Latham.