Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Hopewell Primitive Baptist Church

Roopville, Georgia

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The annual Sacred Harp singing at Hopewell Primitive Baptist Church in Roopville, Georgia, was held the third Sunday in June. The class was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Karen Rollins leading 32t and 36b. The opening prayer was offered by John Plunkett.

The following officers were elected: Chairman—Karen Rollins; Vice Chairman—Bentley McGuire; Arranging Officer/Secretary—Judy Chambless.

Leaders: Judy Chambless 527; B.M. Smith 72b, 389; Scott DePoy 448t, 179 (for Ron Anglin); Robert Chambless 523, 66; Jeannette DePoy 55 (for her dad), 142; Amy Armstrong 38b, 107; Ted Brown 73b, 303; John Plunkett 467, 150; Erin Mills 76b; Helen Brown 422, 31t (for Michael Walker and his family); Rebecca Over 283, 381; Margaret Gillanders 187, 33b.


Robert Chambless brought the class back to order by leading 384. Leaders: David Brodeur 284; Lela Crowder 312b; J.R. Hardman 547; Anna Hinton 277; Jade Thompson 59; Eli Hinton 268; Charlene Wallace 155 (for Carlene Griffin); Kathy Williams 47t; Erica Hinton 432; Don Bowen 39b; Phyllis Bickers and Cindy Safier 111t.

Denney Rogers gave the financial report for the church. Phillip Denney read the following resolution that was approved by the class: Hopewell, Ephesus, Georgia, June 17, 2012, proposed for approval by the singers and worshipers, resolve that we wish to express our gratitude to the children of Lonnie Rogers, his extended family, and to the Ephesus community for their steadfast support and faithfulness toward their Sacred Harp community and the church here at Hopewell. Today we see one very substantial fruit of your efforts in the beautiful remodeling of Hopewell Primitive Baptist Church. May Christ our Savior continue to be praised here through Sacred Harp songs in future generations just as in past ones. Thank you, Denney, Sherry, Paige, Karleen, and Karen.

Leaders: Oscar McGuire 485, 481; Leigh Cooper 377.


Cecil Roberts brought the class back to order leading 35. Leaders: Mark Godfrey 168; John Redmon 24b, 573; Matt Hinton 399b, 318; Phillip Denney 84, 358.

Kathy Williams led 340 and 472 for the following sick and shut-ins: Bernice Cosper, Don Wallace, Charlotte Wallace, Cathy White, Don Buswell, Anita Buswell, Josephine Denney, Pam Nunn, Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, and Daphene Causey.

Phyllis Bickers and Cindy Safier spoke and led 61 in memory of their sister, Susan Muse. Karleen Williams conducted the memorial lesson for the deceased: Pat Patterson, Sally McEwen, Virginia Laster, Doc Watson, Roy Beazeall, John Grant, Susan Muse, Neil Sims, Lonnie Rogers, Harrison Creel, Marie Ivey, Dr. Julietta Haynes, and Margaret Gamlin. The Rogers siblings lead 45t and 343 in memory of the deceased. Cecil Roberts offered a prayer.

Leaders: Malinda Snow 395; The Rogers grandchildren 143; Margie Smith 225t; Sheri Taylor 332; Ted Brown 97; Margaret Gillanders 542; Rebecca Over 566; Helen Brown 521; Jena Frey 178.

After announcements, Karen Rollins and Denney Rogers led 46 as the closing song. Matt Hinton offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Karen Rollins; Vice Chairman—Bentley McGuire; Secretary—Judy Chambless