Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Gum Pond Primitive Baptist Church

Eva, Morgan County, Alabama

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The annual Decoration Day Sacred Harp Singing held at Gum Pond Primitive Baptist Church on the fourth Sunday in May was called to order by J.L. Hopper leading 49t and 36t. The morning prayer was offered by Milford Cobbs.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—J.L. Hopper; Vice Chairman—Milford Cobbs; Secretary—Judy Caudle.

Leaders: Milford Cobbs 159, 46; Judy Caudle 186; Marlin Beasley 421, 319; Lomax Ballinger 276, 277; Margaret Thacker 569b (for Betty Wright), 480; Jamey Wootten 441; Kristie Powell 500, 106; B.M. Smith 556, 350; Cheyenne Ivey 128, 155; Darrell Swarens 208, 314; Delone Cobbs 33b, 489; Janie Short 183, 442.


Milford Cobbs led 285t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Rodney Ivey 61, 225t; Rick Foreman 163b, 378b; Nancy Thompson and Nicholas Thompson 56t, 59; Jared Wootten 42; Scott Ivey 201, 270; J.T. Shavers 100; Bridgett Kennedy 411, 391; Ed Thacker 375 (for Floy Wilder), 142; David Ivey 57; Jennifer Lee 192 (in memory of LaRue Allen); Henry Johnson 166, 230.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Judy Caudle. She read a devotional from the writings of Charles H. Spurgeon, and led 40 in honor of the following sick and shut-ins: Gertrude Shaddix, Sylvia E. Gilmore, Bud Oliver, Sammie Oliver, S.T. Reed, Lessie Reed, Harrison Creel, Coy Ivey, Josie Hyde, Charlie Ballard, Ann Ballard, John Beasley, Jeff Sheppard, Floy Wilder, Scott McCown, and Carol Newman.

Judy spoke and led 459 in memory of the following deceased: Travis Keeton, Marie Ivey, Clarence McCool, Earnie Jett, Cecil Sanders, and Bill Tanner—Alabama; John Merritt—Mississippi; Lonnie Rogers—Georgia; Julietta Haynes—Tennessee; Joan Fritz—Minnesota; Susan Kerr—Texas. Others remembered were Jonathon Cobbs, Dexter Cobbs, Talmadge Cobbs, Pauline Cobbs, Edward Ozbolt, and Bera Bradford. Tony Ivey offered prayer to close the memorial service.


The afternoon session was brought to order by J.L. Hopper leading 171. Leaders: Larry Ballinger 119 (for Harrison Creel); Tammy Powell 542, 454; Tony Ivey 157; Joan Aldridge 512 (for Harrison Creel), 498 (for Harrison Creel); Sonny Erwin 347, 472; Lisa Geist 528, 327; Gaylon Powell 328, 380; Cheryl Foreman 499 (in memory of Kelly Beard), 546; Loyd Ivey 73t (for Bud Oliver); Susan Allred 112, 399b; Ronald Gilmore and Hazel Gilmore 467, 383; Margie Smith 373; Susan Holmes 313t; Craig Holmes 323b, 111t; Dan Hopper 188, 346; Jared Wootten and Jamey Wootten 440; Gaylon Powell and Kristie Powell 564; Rick Foreman and Cheryl Foreman 212; Tammy Powell and Janie Short 344; Darrell Swarens and Sonny Erwin 111b (for Harrison Creel); J.L. Hopper 40 (by request), 310 (for Glenda Hopper), 340 (by request).

J.L. Hopper led 209 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Milford Cobbs, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—J.L. Hopper; Vice Chairman—Milford Cobbs; Secretary—Judy Caudle