Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Zion Hill Primitive Baptist Church

Douglas, Alabama

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The annual Sacred Harp singing at Zion Hill Primitive Baptist Church, Douglas, Alabama, was held on the third Sunday in March. The class was called to order by Ricky Harcrow leading 82t and 49b. Elder Stoney Dorning welcomed the class and offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Ricky Harcrow; Secretary—Susan Harcrow; Arranging Officer—Jackie Tanner.

Leaders: Jackson Harcrow 97, 70b; Jackie Tanner 36b, 61; Susan Harcrow 215, 430; Scott Ivey 111b, 73t; Judy Chambless 29t, 129; Scott DePoy 65, 48t; Doug Conn 67, 81t; Susan Cherones 107, 40; Robert Chambless 176b, 84.


Ricky Harcrow led 37b to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Blake Sisemore 271t, 411; Butch White 34b, 503; Emily Burleson 228, 318; Marlin Beasley 270, 498; John Plunkett 446, 466; Karen Rollins 492, 354t; Jeannette DePoy 362; Henry Johnson 69t, 409; Danny Creel 386, 327; Cheyenne Ivey 512, 168.


The class was brought together by Ricky Harcrow leading 42. Leaders: David Light 192, 200; Jarrod Wootten 440; Stephanie Dorning 63; Dennis George 375, 358 (by request); Buell Cobb and T.C. Bailey 436; Marty Wootten 276; Sharon Brown and Gail Jenkins 354b, 39b; Larry Lambert and Helen Lambert 312b, 410b; Jerry Creason and Ann Sibole 335, 56b.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Ricky Harcrow leading 138b and 128. Leaders: Jamey Wootten 445; Judy Caudle 392; Richard Ivey 564; Reba Windom 182; Aaron Wootten 39t; Cindy Tanner 269; B.M. Smith 475; Rodney Ivey 176t, 56t; Nate Green and Norma Green 467, 418; Vella Dailey and Russ Pope 117; Sarah Vaughn 101t; Linda Thomas 391, 47t; Jenny Mann 551; John Plunkett 53; B.M. Smith 441; Susan Harcrow 159 (in memory of Elvie Brown and Annie Lee Brown Miller, members of Zion Hill Church who passed since the last singing); Susan Cherones 481; Buell Cobb 131b.

Following announcements, Ricky Harcrow led 45t as the closing song. Marty Wootten offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Ricky Harcrow; Secretary—Susan Harcrow