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Clear Creek Convention West

Pleasant Hill Church (Johnson Schoolhouse),
Fayette County, Alabama

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Clear Creek Convention West was held at Pleasant Hill Church on the first Sunday in September. The class was called together by Larry Ballinger leading 31b. Earl Ballinger offered the morning prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairperson—Elene Stovall; Vice Chairman—Larry Ballinger; Secretary—Elene Stovall; Arranging Committee—Bridgett Hill.

Leaders: Elene Stovall 271 (t? b?), 171; Hugh Bill McGuire 40, 43; Earl Ballinger 75, 101t; Scott Kennedy 82t, 287; Linda Sides 32t, 106; Gravis Ballinger 300, 203; Travis Keeton 290, 343, 61; Bridgett Hill 377, 77t (in memory of Amanda Denson and Jerry Enright); Kermit Adams 78, 322; Steve Adams and Lisa Geist 331, 378t; Johnny Humber 405, 175.


Elene Stovall brought the class back to order leading 172. Leaders: Danika Thornton 401; Chuck Howell 373, 153; Darrell Swarens 335, 222, 72b, 228 (for Joan Aldridge); Ottis Sides 318, 530; Hugh Bill McGuire 349; Larry Ballinger 133, 162; Earl Ballinger 157, 187; Gravis Ballinger 176 (t? b?), 168.


The afternoon session was called to order by Larry Ballinger leading 164. Leaders: Lisa Geist 391, 472; Velton Chafin 68b, 502; Margaret Keeton 410t, 73b; Darrell Swarens 146, 507; Scott Kennedy 149, 454; Glen Keeton, Elizabeth Keeton, Isabella Keeton, and Matthew Keeton 64, 74b, 30t, 457 (in memory of Fred Killingsworth, Jr.); Ottis Sides 354b; 480; Chuck Howell 569b; 112; Linda Sides 277; Steve Adams 101t; Travis Keeton and Bridget Hill 475, 179; Elene Stovall 440.

Appreciation was expressed to all who participated in providing our accommodations and provisions.

Elene Stovall led 46 as the closing song. Fred Killingsworth dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairperson—Elene Stovall; Vice Chairman—Larry Ballinger; Secretary—Elene Stovall