Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Savannah Music Festival Sacred Harp Singing

Delaware Hall, First African Baptist Church, Savannah, Georgia

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Savannah Music Festival’s “All-Day Singing from The Sacred Harp” was held in Delaware Hall of historic First African Baptist Church, est.1788. Gene Pinion welcomed everyone and called the class to order by leading 49t. Buck Lea offered the opening prayer.

Tim Eriksen taught a brief lesson on the history, heritage, culture and practice of Sacred Harp singing, leading 47t and 39t.

The following officers were appointed: Honorary Chairman—Tim Eriksen; Vice Chairman—Gene Pinion; Secretary—Rachel Rudi.

Leaders: Gene Pinion 300; Frank DeBolt 569b; Tom Ivey 66; Sharon Strong 178; Jane Spencer 33b; John Gentry 523; Ellen Lea 347; Michael Spencer 335; Rachel Rudi 162; Matt Hinton 47b.


Leaders: Rexanna Lester 155; Erica Hinton 74b; Judith Parker 63; Jane Carroll 203; Donna Smith 45t; Kathleen McClellan 354b; Diane Mennella 312b; Lynell McClure 358; Charles Franklin 445; Tim Eriksen 179; Frank DeBolt 515; Tom Ivey 192; Sharon Strong 551; Jane Spencer 53; John Gentry 503; Ellen Lea 163t; Michael Spencer 207; Rachel Rudi 180; Matt Hinton 157; Gene Pinion 147t.


Gene Pinion called the class to order leading 452, and welcomed newcomers. John Gentry opened the session with prayer. Tim Eriksen recapped his presentation from the morning and led 388b.

Leaders: Gene Pinion 48b; Rexanna Lester 46; Erica Hinton 129; Judith Parker 49b; Jane Carroll 36b; Donna Smith 278b; Kathleen McClellan 209; Diane Mennella 270; Lynell McClure 31t; Charles Franklin 59; Job Driggers 74t; Frank DeBolt 334; Tom Ivey 217; Sharon Strong 391; Jane Spencer 480; John Gentry 148; Ellen Lea 99; Michael Spencer 113; Rachel Rudi



Leaders: Jairus Purcell and Joan Corbin 459; Matt Hinton and Jim Lauderdale 42; Rexanna Lester 40; Erica Hinton 29b; Judith Parker 128; Jane Carroll 454; Donna Smith and Diane Mennella 540; Lynell McClure 569t; Charles Franklin 176t; Frank DeBolt 137; Tom Ivey 299; Sharon

Strong 38t; Jane Spencer 500; John Gentry 117; Ellen Lea 122; Michael Spencer 382; Rachel Rudi 73t; Larry Carlisle 108t.

Following announcements, Tim Eriksen, Gene Pinion, and Rachel Rudi led

62. Buck Lea dismissed the class with prayer.

Honorary Chairman—Tim Eriksen; Vice Chairman—Gene Pinion; Secretary—Rachel Rudi