Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Cates-Brown Memorial

Muscadine Methodist Church, Muscadine, Alabama

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The annual singing in memory of the Walker Cates and Herbert Brown families was called to order at 9:30 a.m. (CT) by Jeff Sheppard leading 32t. Cecil Roberts offered the morning prayer. Jeff Sheppard led 36b, and Pearl Guier led 59 and 127.

The class was organized with the following officers elected to serve: Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Vice Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Secretary—Shelbie Sheppard; Arranging Committee—Pearl Guier.

Leaders: Cecil Roberts 97, 37b; B.M. Smith 81t, 225t; Judy Chambless 66, 34b; Stanley Edwards 499, 58; Joyce Walton 500, 456; Tony Hammock 303, 314; Charlene Wallace 146, 187; John Plunkett 41, 351.


The class resumed singing with Cecil Roberts leading 229 and 569b. Leaders: Robert Chambless 145b, 347; Glenda Collins and Bert Collins 100, 101t; Lonnie Rogers 33b, 348b, 340; Virginia Dyer 200, 193; Michael Thompson 460, 497; Anne Chalker 235, 147t; Aldo Ceresa 118, 396; Ann Simpson 47t, 119; Nathan Reese 414, 283.


The afternoon session was called to order by Jeff Sheppard leading 121 (in memory of Katherine Benefield, who passed away this morning). Leaders: Richard DeLong 338, 202; Pam Nunn 217; Pam Nunn and Rene Greene 269; Oscar McGuire 276, 485; Karleen Williams 112, 203; Jonathan Smith 273, 215; Karen Rollins 372, 155; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 541, 511; Reba Windom 349, 172; Rene Greene 137, 192; Mike Hinton 480, 527; Mary Jo Shafer 82t, 503; Shelbie Sheppard 327, 216.

Announcements were made. Jeff Sheppard and Cecil Roberts led 46 as the closing song. The pastor of the church, Donald Payne, dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Vice Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Secretary—Shelbie Sheppard