Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Big Sioux River (South Dakota) Singing
Stavanger Lutheran Church, North Sioux City, South Dakota
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The first Big Sioux River Singing was held on Saturday before the second Sunday in August at Stavanger Lutheran Church, located on the grounds of the Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve in North Sioux City, South Dakota. Judy Hauff called the class to order leading 312b. She welcomed everyone, and gave visitors a brief introduction to Sacred Harp singing.
Leaders: Judy Hauff 159; Melanie Hauff 30t; Aura Lee Furgason 155; Jenni Wallace 28b; Bonnie Davis 31b; Mary Ann Meisner 47b; Jim Solheim 299; Bryan Davis 33b; Dylan Skerbitz 85; Paul Landskroener 107; Jon Pearson 349; Karen Swenson 268; Gerry Skerbitz 218; Ken Wells and Judy Hauff 183; Kathy Wood 143; Annie Grieshop 300.
Melanie Hauff called the class back to order leading 277. Leaders: Hannah Avery 45t; Aura Lee Furgason 344; Jenni Wallace 475; Elizabeth Avery 361; Mary Ann Meisner 503; Sue Pearson 474; Bonnie Davis 68b; Paul Landskroener 86 (for Peg Pearson and other friends); Joe Harder and Judy Hauff 187; Jon Pearson 551; Bryan Davis 32b; Jim Solheim “Nebraska”; Karl Landskroener and Paul Landskroener 49b; Karen Swenson 368; Gerry Skerbitz 38t; Kathy Wood and Janet Thayer 452; Annie Grieshop 383; Ken Wells 504; Colin Douglas 308, 267; Gail Dooley and Judy Hauff 312b; Alina Douglas and Colin Douglas 207; Annie Grieshop 318.
Judy Hauff and Melanie Hauff led 347 as the closing song, while those who wished took the parting hand. The class was dismissed.
Co-Chairpersons—Judy Hauff and Melanie Hauff; Secretary—Karen Swenson