Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Alewine Memorial

St. Michael Church, north of Muscadine, Cleburne County, Alabama

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The annual Alewine Memorial Sacred Harp singing at St. Michael Church was held on the fourth Sunday in April. The class was called to order at 9:30 a.m. (CT) by Cecil Roberts leading 59. The morning prayer was offered by Henry Johnson.

Leaders: Cecil Roberts 68b; Stanley Edwards 203, 215; Charlene Wallace 141, 205.

The business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Vice Chairman—Stanley Edwards; Secretary—Charlene Wallace; Arranging Committee—Karleen Williams and Carlene Griffin.

Leaders: Cecil Edwards 100; Henry Johnson 147t, 566; John Plunkett 381, 439; Lonnie Rogers 340, 112; Jeff Sheppard 432, 140; Faye McGuire 217, 299; Karleen Williams 298 (for Sherry Lovvorn), 373; Ed Thacker 478, 192.


The class was called together by Stanley Edwards leading 436 (for Lucille Edwards). Leaders: Judy Chambless 61, 63; Jeremy Shipp 480, 55; Helen Bryson 213t, 523; Karen Rollins 34b, 327; Andy Anderson 171, 34t; George Garner 328; Hugh McGraw 37t; Robert Chambless 314, 108t; Donna Bell 548 (in memory of Carrie Garner), 163b; Tony Hammock 179, 321; Curtis Hamrick 77t, 137; Oscar McGuire 276, 441; Inez Chandler 274t, 490; Corene Laminack 155, 335.


The afternoon session was called together by Floy Wilder leading 186, 187. Leaders: Ann Simpson 47t, 445; Oliver Iverson 75, 448b; Mildred Patterson and Ellen Waters 87, 56t (for Elder Homer Benefield and Katherine Benefield); Jeremy Shipp, Andrew Ivester, Rachel Ivester, and Wesley Ivester 52b, 124, 45t, 401; Jeff Sheppard 176t; Henry Johnson 176b; John Plunkett 181; Carlene Griffin 113; James Hughes and Cecil Roberts 63, 68b; Ed Thacker 528; Helen Bryson 178, 560; Tony Hammock 358; Ann Simpson 294.

Following announcements, Cecil Roberts and Stanley Edwards led 62 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer by James Hughes.

Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Vice Chairman—Stanley Edwards; Secretary—Charlene Wallace