Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Southern Wisconsin All Day Singing

Plum Grove Church, Folklore Village Farm, Dodgeville, Wisconsin

Saturday, November 12, 2005

The nineteenth annual Southern Wisconsin all-day singing was held at Plum Grove Church, Folklore Village Farm, Dodgeville, Wisconsin, on Saturday before the second Sunday in November. The class was called to order by Jan Ketelle leading 52t. Carol Enseki offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Kathy Kaiser 49b; Val Dunagan 171; Johanna Fabke 150; Julie Vea 532; Marjorie Matthews 218; Rachel Adelstein 351; Peter Bradley 228; Laurie Skayer 503; Francis Gurtz 59; Nancy Koester 290; Jim Page “Plum Grove Church”; Cathryn Bearov 542; Gordon Olsen 277; Paul Wyatt 406; Katie Moore 384; Grace Scrimgeour 287; Bob Meek 270; Lou Kujawinski 212.

A business meeting was held. The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chair—Marjorie Matthews; Chaplain—Carol Enseki; Arranging Committee—James Page; Memorial Committee—Johanna Fabke and Joan Yeatman; Secretary—Val Dunagan.


Marjorie Matthews called the class to order leading 84. Leaders: Clare Cardy 457; Colette Miller 524; Midge Olsen 66; Melanie Hauff 445; Michael Moore “Invitation” (Jeremiah Ingalls’s Christian Harmony); Gary Gronau 362; Jeff Bell 48b; Penny Kujawinski 76b; Karen Swenson 168; Ted Johnson 506; Carol Crawford and Jim Crawford 350; Becky Browne 411; Joan Yeatman 147t.

A memorial lesson was held with Joan Yeatman leading 68b for the sick and shut-ins: Liz Meitzler, Susan Hall—Kentucky; Bobby Jackson—Georgia; Wilton Donaldson—Alabama; Michelle Walters—Connecticut; Jeanette Lowry and Shirley Figura—Missouri; Danica Smullen, Kelly Smullen, Bob Scorgie, and Bob Anderson—Wisconsin; Dick Berky—Iowa; James Z. Bell—Pennsylvania.

Johanna Fabke led 122 for the deceased: Vi Stark, Al Frank, Dale Eddington, and Orville Senger—Illinois; Dean Slaton—Indiana; Regina Kania and Darlene McDonough—Minnesota; Ken Breckner and Phillip Alderman—Missouri; Dave Franklin—Kentucky; Lewis Brown-Iowa; Irene Nelson, Adrian Karsten—Wisconsin; Melva Neal—California; Victims of tragedy, everywhere. The memorial was concluded.


Marjorie Matthews called the class to order leading 29t and 155. Leaders: Eleanor Haase 352; Matt Wells 106; Lisa Cohen 146; Christine Stevens 379; Ted Mercer 383; Denise Kania 208; Jim Helke 512; Martha Henderson 550; Marcia Johnson 260; Peter Bradley 319; Jeanette Nelson 348b; Steven Levine 496; Jim Pfau 475; Judy Hauff 245; Bob Meek 490; Laurie Skayer 24b.


Marjorie Matthews called the class to order leading 452. Leaders: Francis Gurtz 448t; Cathryn Bearov 269; Nancy Koester 141; Katie Moore 300; Lou Kujawinski 297; Jim Crawford and Euphonia Wieczorek 186, 47b; Grace Scrimgeour 547; Michael Moore 232; Penny Kujawinski 102; Carol Crawford 486; Becky Browne 203; Melanie Hauff 216; Karen Swenson 549; Gary Gronau 192; Midge Olsen 112; Ted Johnson 419; Eleanor Haase 99.


Marjorie Matthews called the class to order leading 454. Leaders: Gordon Olsen 178; Jeanette Nelson 143; Johanna Gorman-Baer 274t; Marcia Johnson 485; Martha Henderson 189; Judy Hauff 536; Denise Kania 474; Jim Helke 135; Ted Mercer 376.

Following announcement and thanks, Marjorie Matthews led 347 as the closing song. Carol Enseki dismissed the class with prayer.

Chair—Marjorie Matthews; Secretary—Val Dunagan.