Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Brattleboro All-Day Singing

First United Methodist Church, Brattleboro, Vermont

Saturday, June 5, 2004

Chairman Matthew Wojcik brought the class to order leading 31t. Laura Timmerman offered the opening prayer. Chairman Matthew Wojcik welcomed everyone to the singing and told the class that leaders could call songs from the 4th edition of the “Northern Harmony” as well as “The Sacred Harp.

Leaders: Dave Evans 81t; Rosie Wojcik 33b; George Seiler 32t, 378t; John Holbrook 37b, 270; Tom Malone 61, 53; Susan Jaster 503, 354t; Paul Gauthier 74b, 34b; Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 49t, 48b; Aldo Ceresa 30t, 203; Rick Johnston 209, 36b.


The class resumed singing with Linda Shea leading 300 and 89. Leaders: Jean Seiler 87, 142; Eric Huther 421; Matthew Wojcik 59; Laura Timmerman 68b, 7 (NH); Charles Cofone 35, 66; Rebecca Edwards 101t, 82t; Alice Kast 268, 171.

Paul Gauthier conducted the memorial lesson. Laura Timmerman led 34t for the sick and shuts: Julie Holbrook—Massachusetts; and Cheryl Doehler—New Jersey.

Paul Gauthier led 235 in memory of the deceased. Those remembered were: Laurette Wojcik—Connecticut; Judy Wagner—New Hampshire; Olivia Sole—Ohio; David Dellinger, Howard Northrup, and John Sheldon—Vermont. George Seiler closed the memorial lesson with prayer.


The class resumed singing with Sheila Kelley leading 168 and 224. Leaders: Jenna Strizak 146, 434; Kelsey Wessels 29t, 129; Aldo Ceresa 148, 216 (NH).

Matthew Wojcik offered prayer for the noon meal.


The afternoon session was brought to order. Leaders: Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 276, 510; Matthew Wojcik 198; Peter Irvine 195; Tom Malone 358; Susan Jaster 32 (NH); Charles Cofone 569b; Dave Evans 440; Laura Timmerman 396; George Seiler 48t; Paul Gauthier, Linda Jenkins, and Joanna Wiley 38 (NH); Rosie Wojcik 475; Jean Seiler 273; Alice Kast 335; John Holbrook 339; Rebecca Edwards 145t; Rick Johnston 411; Sheila Kelley 180; Jenna Strizak 383; Kelsey Wessels 448b; Peter Irvine 29b.


Aldo Ceresa brought the class to order leading 448b. Leaders: John Holbrook 384; Bre Ginty and Matthew Wojcik 146 (NH); Matthew Wojcik 130 (NH); Kshama Ananthapura 512; Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 377; Alice Kast 40; Dave Evans 77t; Tom Malone 74t; Susan Jaster 16 (NH).

A business session was held. Matthew Wojcik gave the Finance Committee Report. Rosie Wojcik gave the Secretary’s Report.

Announcements were made. Chairman Matthew Wojcik thanked all those who had helped prepare for and participated in the day’s singing.

Leaders: George Seiler 169; Paul Gauthier and Kathleen Nugent 178; Kshama Ananthapura 216; Dan Hertzler 99.

Matthew Wojcik, Dave Evans, and Rosie Wojcik led 62 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Matthew Wojcik; Vice Chairman—Dave Evans; Secretary—Rosie Wojcik.