Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Edwardsville Baptist Church

Edwardsville, Cleburne County, Alabama

Sunday, April 4, 2004

The annual Sacred Harp singing was held at Edwardsville Baptist Church on the first Sunday in April. The class was called to order by Chairman Eunice Webb leading 59. Felton Denney offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Eunice Webb 50b; Pearl Guier 40, 127; Jeff Sheppard 129, 124; Lonnie Rogers 186; Glenda Collins 45t.

The class was organized with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Eunice Webb; Vice Chairman—Lonnie Rogers; Secretary/Arranging Committee—Hester Edwards; Memorial Committee—Pearl Guier.

Leaders: Eunice Webb 460, B.M. Smith 222, 68b; Charlene Wallace 425, 155; Stanley Edwards 384, 61; Cheryl Foreman 203, 430; Billy Joe Harris 303, 503; Ruth Daniel 378t, 32t; Oscar McGuire 171, 473; Evelyn Harris 101t, 47t.


The class was called to order by Eunice Webb leading 276. Leaders: Josephine Denney 490, 30t; Jan House 168, 178; Michael Turner and Keith Turner 294, 358; Jerry Creason 147b, 569b.

Pear Guier conducted the memorial lesson. Michael Turner led 490 in memory of Molene Thompson and Reba Warren Norton. Shelbie Sheppard led 418 in memory of: Gladys Simmons, Kenneth Simmons, Irene Willoughby, Ruth Brown, Harvey Austin, Arvie Norton, Mozelle Sheppard, and Linnie Denney.

Myron House led 369 in honor of the sick and shut-ins which included: Barbara Hamby, Mary L. Smith, Jimmy Cates, Rene Greene, Nancy Allen, Alonzo Edwards, and Noel Thompson. Hugh McGraw closed the memorial with prayer.

Rev. Hogan, pastor of the church, welcomed everyone and asked the blessing on the noon meal.


The class reassembled for the afternoon session with Lonnie Rogers leading 225t. Leaders: Jimmie Denney 63, 313t; Felton Denney 523, 489; Karleen Williams 100, 112; Hugh McGraw 354b, 371; Lou Cotney 172, 218; Cecil Roberts 235, 284; Anne Simpson 46, 445; Nellie Mae White 312b, 119; Frances Jones 334, 335; Corene Laminack 345t, 75; Lewis Norton 208, 146; Reba Norton 270, 441; Cheryl Foreman 317; Jerry Creason 86, 49b.

After announcements were made, Eunice Webb and Lonnie Rogers led 452 as the closing song. Lonnie Rogers offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Eunice Webb; Vice Chairman—Lonnie Rogers; Secretary—Hester Edwards.