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Georgia Christian Harmony Convention

Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church, Tallapoosa, Georgia

December 2-3, 2017

Saturday, December 2

The 8th annual Georgia Christian Harmony Convention was held on the first Sunday and Saturday before in December at Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church in Tallapoosa, Georgia. The class was called to order by John Plunkett leading 30t. Danny Creel offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: John Plunkett 62t; Michael Spencer 493b, 402t; Jane Cannon 465t, 418t; Billy Hollingsworth 127, 152b; Andy Ditzler 154, 212; Shannon Primm 72b, 15; Sam Wright 372, 292; Eddie Mash 204t, 263; Vale Cofer-Shabica 336t, 91.


Michael Spencer led 163t to bring the class back together. Leaders: David Brodeur 281b, 280; Jared Mooney 64, 253; John Hollingsworth 158, 250t; Cassie Allen 548, 332; Henry Johnson 67t, 281t; Brenda Dunlap 329, 145b; Judy Mincey 304, 546b; Robert Kelley 423t, 423b; Ann Jett 264, 342. Grace was offered by Danny Creel.


The class was reconvened with John Plunkett leading 535. Leaders: Jesse Karlsberg 322, 320; Cindy Tanner 168b, 180; Danny Creel 166, 326; Lauren Bock 50, 54; Katlyn Bailey 268, 432b; Yancey Jett and Cassie Allen 354; Yancey Jett 287; Mike Richards 1, 74; Michael Spencer 495; Jane Cannon 492b; Billy Hollingsworth 428 (for Elsie Hollingsworth); Andy Ditzler 69; Sam Wright 361; Vale Cofer-Shabica 261t; Shannon Primm 43; Cassie Allen 176; Henry Johnson 256t; John Hollingsworth 486t; Brenda Dunlap 146b; Eddie Mash 237; Ann Jett 149; Robert Kelley 511; Danny Creel 338b; Cindy Tanner 51; Jesse Karlsberg 544; Yancey Jett 307; Mike Richards 131; Katlyn Bailey 171; Lauren Bock 258; Judy Mincey 16.

A business meeting was held and the class elected the following officers: President—Michael Spencer; Vice President—Shannon Primm; Secretary—Judy Mincey; Treasurer—Shannon Primm. The following committees were appointed: Memorial Committee—Andy Ditzler; Resolutions Committee—David Brodeur; Locating Committee—Billy Hollingsworth and John Plunkett.

After brief announcements, John Plunkett and Michael Spencer led 111b. Eddie Mash dismissed the class with prayer.

Sunday, December 3

The Sunday session of the Georgia Christian Harmony Convention began with John Plunkett leading 21. Eddie Mash offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: John Plunkett 67t; Michael Spencer 163t, 163b; Judy Mincey 133, 397b; Eddie Mash 300, 6; Vale Cofer-Shabica 402b, 142; Brenda Dunlap 543, 448t; Mike Richards 61b, 63t; Jane Cannon 292, 205; Mary Amelia Taylor 282, 462t; Andy Ditzler 198, 3.


Michael Spencer recalled the class leading 120. Leaders: Helen Bryson 137, 131; Hayden Arp 93, 168b; John Hollingsworth 136, 261b; John Plunkett 78b (request of Mildred Patterson); Katlyn Bailey 372, 58b; Karen Clark 189, 81t (in memory of Floy Wilder).

A memorial lesson was presented by Andy Ditzler, who led 71 for the following sick and shut-ins: Daphene Causey, Charlene Wallace, Ottis Sides, Elder Kirby Patterson, and Wanda Capps. He led 37 for the following deceased: Hugh McGraw, Ed Smith, Edith Owen, Floy Wilder, Earlis McGraw, Eloise Wootten, and Edna Robinson. Billy Hollingsworth closed the memorial with prayer.

John Hollingsworth offered thanks before the noon meal.


John Plunkett reconvened the class leading 509b. Leaders: Henry Johnson 467b, 274; David Brodeur 101, 313; Billy Hollingsworth 86b, 369; Shannon Primm 191, 172; Robert Kelley 125t, 5b; Judy Mincey 493b; Vale Cofer-Shabica 235; Brenda Dunlap 480; Mike Richardson 13; Eddie Mash 138; Karen Clark 253; Mary Amelia Taylor 9; Jane Cannon 316; Hayden Arp 4; Katlyn Bailey 119; Henry Johnson 105b; Robert Kelley 231.

The class moved to go into a business session. David Brodeur presented a resolution full of thanks and gratitude to the singers and to Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church. The Treasurer’s report was read, and the class agreed to fund a scholarship to Camp DoReMi. The Locating Committee was granted 60 days to report on a location for the 2018 convention. Reports were approved, and the business session was closed.

After announcements, the class closed the day by singing the Drone. Eddie Mash dismissed the class with prayer.

President—Michael Spencer; Vice President—Shannon Primm; Secretary—Judy Mincey