Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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The Georgian Harmony Singing

Liberty Hill Church, Lamar County, Georgia

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The annual Georgian Harmony singing was held at Liberty Hill Church, Lamar County, Georgia, on Saturday before the fifth Sunday in January. John Hollingsworth called the class to order leading 1, and welcomed everyone. Harry Eskew offered the opening prayer.

A business session was held with the following officers nominated and duly confirmed: Chairman—John Hollingsworth; Vice Chairman—John Plunkett; Secretary/Arranging Committee—Mary Brownlee and Lauren Bock.

Leaders: John Plunkett 77; Lauren Bock 2; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 9; Helen Bryson 50; Jane Spencer 116; Billy Hollingsworth 43; Ian Ludders 25; Judy Mincey 112; Katherine Eldridge 8; Michael Spencer 33; Mary Brownlee 54; Jonathon Kelso 105; Erica Hinton 48; Louis Hughes 42; Malinda Snow 59; B.M. Smith 82; James Eldridge 58; Harry Eskew 104.


Lauren Bock led 26 to bring the class together. Leaders: Scott DePoy 16; Rosemund Watson 109; Matt Hinton 13; Virginia Eldridge 99; Eddie Mash 49; Jeannette DePoy 19; Darrell Swarens 34; Martha Harrell 107; Steve Helwig 10; Adrian Eldridge 30; Rebecca Eldridge 87; Raymond Hamrick 15; Oscar McGuire 111; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 18; Michael Spencer 29. John Plunkett offered the blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session was brought to order by John Hollingsworth leading 95. Leaders: John Plunkett 94; Jonathon Kelso 12; Mary Brownlee and John Brownlee 6; Virginia Eldridge 62; Steve Helwig 80; Rebecca Eldridge 45; Eddie Mash 92; Adrian Eldridge 22; Rosemund Watson 118; Darrell Swarens 98; Cathy Willis 20; James Eldridge 11; Judy Mincey and Patrick 72; Matt Hinton 4; Katherine Eldridge 14; B.M. Smith 64.


Lauren Bock and Mary Brownlee led 110 to call the class back to order. Leaders: Scott DePoy and Jeannette DePoy 66; Ian Ludders 63; Malinda Snow 24; Jane Spencer 90; Billy Hollingsworth 81; John Plunkett 65 (by request); Oscar McGuire 101.

Following announcements, John Plunkett led 52 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Eddie Mash, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—John Hollingsworth; Vice Chairman—John Plunkett; Secretary—Mary Brownlee