Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Hoboken School Singing (Cooper Book)

Hoboken, Georgia

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The singing was called to order by David Lee and Clarke Lee leading 68b. Elder David Crawford offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Clarke Lee 508; Julie Lee and Kathy Lee 558, 374; Don Clark 176b; Judith Parker 128; Les Singleton 63; Michael Spencer 113; Jason Deal 264b; Elaine Yontz 159; Laurie Sommers 511t; Tommie Spurlock 183; Kathy Williams 222; Tor Bejnar 323b; Jesse Roberts 240; Amy Lee 544; Steven Taylor 51; Jack Fisher 49t.


Trevor East brought the class back to order leading 392. Leaders: Charlie Brewer 489; Jane Spencer 78; Marcia Johnson 38t; Frank Strickland and Wynonia Horn 100; Ashley Thompson 179; Alice Bejnar and Ellen Gwynn 553; Rexanna Lester, Jairus Purcell, and Jo Corbin 572; Jenny Steuver 393t; Phil Summerlin 395b; Ross Brand 125; Stephen Conte 102; Claudine Townsend and Syble Adams 410; Bob Meek 270; Louis Hughes, Jr. 543.


Mary Elizabeth Lee brought the class back to order leading 129. Leaders: Riley Lee 505; Gene Pinion and friends 488b.

David Lee conducted the memorial lesson. Clarke Lee closed the memorial with prayer.

Leaders: Trevor East 47b; Reba Windom 559; Michael Kaye 146; Jessica Altman 142; Shelbie Sheppard 211; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 210; Sharon Kermiet 380b; Morgan Bunch 203.


April Dell brought the afternoon session to order leading 59. Leaders: Bob Bonnell 478; Job Driggers 106; Kendra Strickland and Macie Crawford 99; Micah Roberts 348t; Charlotte Bishop 511b; Louis Hughes 528b; Syble Adams 68t; Aldo Ceresa 214; Stanley Smith 44; Donna Bell 507b; Laura Densmore 133; Eddie Mash 567; Karen Clark 430; Phillip Reeves 31t; Stephanie Steuver 358; Bobby Watkins 138t; Sue Bunch 293b.


Stephanie Steuver led 76b to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Brooks Strickland and Arlene Strickland 447t; Dinah East 500; Lois Bonnell 330t; Tony Batten and Lynn Batten 164; John Gardenour 451; Bryant Lee, Amy Lee, and Lindsey Johnson 49b; Jeff Sheppard 39; Johnny Lee and Delorese Lee 273; Paul Wyatt 314; Anitra Kaye 369; Sue Graham 361; John Gentry 380t; Mary Lou Van Laanen and Sharon Kermiet 54t.

Announcements were made. David Lee and Clarke Lee led 62b. Elder Jesse Roberts offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairmen—David Lee and Clark Lee; Secretary—Mary Elizabeth Lee