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Minnesota State Midwinter Convention
(Cooper Book)

St. Sahag’s Armenian Orthodox Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The seventh Minnesota State Midwinter Cooper Book Convention was called to order by Steven Levine leading 32t. Jim Pfau offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed: Chairman—Steven Levine; Arranging—Denise Kania; Corresponding Secretary—Jim Pfau; Recording Secretary—Stephen Parker; Treasurer—Matt Wells.

Leaders: Steven Schmidgall 484b; Keith Willard 38t; Matt Wells 132; Gordon Olsen 47t; Karen Swenson 55; Eleanor Haase 485; Scott Schroeder 49b; Steve Luttinen 138t; Katie Moore 384; Paul Wilson 144; Guy Bankes 502; Carol Buche 500; Michael Heyerman 180; Christine Stevens 379; Darlene Dalton and Stephen Parker 488b.


Stacey Berkheimer brought the class back to order leading 63. Leaders: Jenny Willard 572; Michael Moore 314; Claudia Egelhoff 505; Johnnie Lee 377t; Paul Wyatt 511t; Jim Goetz 395b; Martha Henderson 133; Midge Olsen 393t; Syble Adams and Claudine Townson 99, 543; Jim Pfau 449; Laura Densmore 574; Kim Bahmer 47b; Jeff Bell 145t; Cathy Lutz and nine students from the University of St. Thomas 217.


Christine Stevens brought the class back to order leading 544. Leaders: Denise Kania 140; Stephen Parker 146; Steve Luttinen 214; Tim Eriksen 416t; Stacey Berkheimer 155; Karen Swenson 54t; Gordon Olsen and Clint Hanson 199; Jim Goetz and Eli Elliott 52; Paul Wyatt 369. Steven Schmidgall offered the blessing on the noon meal.


The afternoon session was called to order by Kim Bahmer leading 36b. Leaders: Keith Willard and Johnnie Lee 283; Katie Moore 186; Laurie Stayer and Paul Wilson 82; Michael Heyerman 575; Kit Pfau 270; Kristie Harju, Steve Luttinen, and Sue Harju 282; Cathy Lutz, Bruce Gleason, and four students from the University of St. Thomas 218; Midge Olsen, Bruce Gleason, and six students from the University of St. Thomas 478; Matt Wells and four guests 196; Syble Adams 68t; Jenny Willard and Mary Munt 367; Clint Hanson and three students of Mirjana Lausevic’s class at the University of Minnesota 274t; Christine Stevens 563; Darlene Dalton 571; Steven Schmidgall 473; Laura Densmore 98; Stephen Parker and Bobbie Blilie 511b; Guy Bankes 365.


Jim Pfau brought the class back to order leading 40. Leaders: Doug Donley 424; Aaron Kapaun, Brandy Gullickson, Skye Sanford, and Midge Olsen 31b; Martha Henderson 139; Jeff Bell 388; Johnnie Lee and Delorese Lee 107; Steven Levine 229; Val Eng 216; Kit Pfau 336t; Jonathan Wilson and Katie Moore 335; Carol Buche 358; Michael Moore 443; Gordon Olsen and guest 31t; Eleanor Haase 573; Bill Waddington and three guests 137; Tim Eriksen 318; Denise Kania 559.

Announcements were made. The secretary reported the following ten states and one Canadian Province were in attendance: Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and the Province of Manitoba; 123 leaders led 79 songs. Next year’s convention will be held on Saturday, February 10, 2007.

Steven Levine led 527 as the closing song. Johnnie Lee offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Steven Levine; Secretary—Stephen Parker.