Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Mount Pisgah Singing Society (Cooper Book)

Stroud, Chambers County, Alabama

May 22, 1999

The annual all day singing of the Mount Pisgah Singing Society was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Society President Don L. Clark leading song on page 434. Johnny Lee was asked to offer the morning prayer. Don Clark gave a short welcome address.

Officers for this year are: President—Don L. Clark; Vice President—John Etheridge; Secretary—Amy Lee.

Don Clark led song on page 59. Leaders: John Etheridge 450; Regina Clark 217; Riley Lee 563; Velton Chafin 322; S.T. Reed 522; Mary Elizabeth Lee 511t; Lamar Smith 76b; Frank Hadaway 507b; Horace Nall 478; Thurman Nall 292b; Bill Aplin 277; Bud Oliver 270; Ramona Lee 101t; Henry Johnson 447t; Jackie Tanner 54t; Victoria Aplin 508; Amy Lee 319; Felton Denney 47t.


Don Clark called the class to order leading song on page 155. Leaders: Rodney Ivey 39; Lonnie Rogers 137; Clarke Lee 28b; G.C. Waldrep 497; Jimmie Denney 143; Helen Bryson 172; Norma Green and Nate Green 199; Elene Stovall 505; Regina Glass 98; Joan Aldridge 559; Bobby Jackson and Regina Clark 393t; Billy Joe Harris 451b; Kathy Lee 68t; Denney Rogers 345t.


Order was restored by the President, Don Clark. Leaders: Coy Ivey 222; David Lee 229; Margie Smith and Nancy Allen 108t; Jeff Sheppard 89; B.M. Smith 38t; Randall Smith 36b; Johnny Lee 263; Linda Thomas 569; Shelbie Sheppard 290; Evelyn Harris 159; Brenda Merritt 567; Loy Garrison 503; Louis Hughes 176t; John Plunkett 402; Wayne Morgan 31t; Tommie Spurlock 140; Bill Farris 401; Allen Fannin 543b; Elder Tollie Lee 84; Laura Densmore 336t; Harrison Creel 355; Tommie Spurlock 358 (by special request).


The afternoon session was called to order by the President, Don L. Clark, leading song on page 520. Leaders: Phil Slay 100; Cassie Franklin 278b; Curtis Rogers 335; Tim Jones 285t; Jack Nelson 40; Kate Merritt 376; John Merritt “Talitha Cumi” (his composition); Jenny Wootten 148; Syble Adams 572; Buell Cobb 45t; Tor Bejnar 334; Cindy Franklin 516; Dewayne Hawthorne 436b; Elder Ben Keeble 440b.


The class was brought to order by the President, Don L. Clark, leading song on page 186. Leaders: Leola Smith 558b; Lois Stanson 99; Isabelle Green 388; Annie Lee Price 192; Betty Wright 511b; Aubrey Barfield 522; J.A. Mosley 282; Alice Bejnar 120; Paula Fagan 488b; Elder Jonathan Blakeley 77t; Liz Bryant 392; David Lee and Clarke Lee “Mercy Seat” (by request); Don Clark 225t (requested by Virgil Phillips); David Lee “Marthasville” (original composition).

Announcements were made. Don Clark, Regina Clark, John Etheridge, and Amy Lee led song on page 62 as the closing song, and the class took the parting hand.

We invite everyone back next year on May 27, 2000. Elder Tollie Lee dismissed the class with prayer.

President—Don L. Clark; Vice President—John Etheridge; Secretary—Amy Lee.