Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Clear Creek Convention West

Pleasant Hill Church (Johnson School House), Fayette County, Alabama

September 6, 1998

The Clear Creek Convention West Sacred Harp Singing met at Pleasant Hill Church (Johnson School House) on the first Sunday in September, and was called to order by Travis Keeton leading song on page 37b. The morning prayer was led by Velton Chafin. Travis Keeton led song on page 48t. Elmer Conwill led song on page 44.

The class organized for the day by electing or appointing the following officers: Chairman—Larry Ballinger; Vice Chairman—Travis Keeton; Secretary—Josie Hyde; Arranging Committee—John Hyde.

Larry Ballinger led song on page 56t. Leaders: Joshua Keeton 30t, 108t, 268; Arnold Moore 35, 42; Clarence McCool 45t, “Jesus Died For Me”; Annie Lou Price 100, 137, 101t; Mae Conwill 155, 99, 340; Ivalene Donaldson 426t, 317, 77t.


John Hyde called the class to order leading songs on pages 63, 75, and 73t. Leaders: John Hocutt 312b, 321; Ashley Keeton 455, 216, 196; Velton Chafin 394, 225t, 34b; Regina Glass 160b, 208, 349; Glenn Keeton 231, 284, 503; Ila Ingle 441, 112, 434.


The afternoon session was called to order by Larry Ballinger leading song on page 207. Leaders: Gravis Ballinger 78, 300, 144; Arlon Gardner 406, 183, 410t; Lavaughn Ballinger 405, 167, 84; Josie Hyde 385t, 229, 234; Allison Stovall 192, 217, 454; Elene Stovall 171, 436, 68b; Joyce Hubbin 273, 209, 378t; Travis Keeton 270, 378b; Josie Hyde “Not Made With Hands” (requested by Danna Brumbach); Elene Stovall 294 (request for Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Campbell); Elmer Conwill 296; Regina Glass 475; Arlon Gardner 49b.

The Clear Creek Convention West is a movable singing, but since no other church called for it, Willa Rush asked that it be held here again in 1999 on the first Sunday in September.

Larry Ballinger led song on page 62 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer by Lavaughn Ballinger. The class wishes to thank Willa Rush for paying for the minutes.

Chairman—Larry Ballinger; Vice Chairman—Travis Keeton; Secretary—Josie Hyde.