Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Southwest Texas Sacred Harp Convention,
Fall Session
Jarrell, Texas
October 5-6, 2024
Saturday, October 5
The annual fall session of the Southwest Texas Convention met on Saturday before the first Sunday in October at Jarrell Memorial Community Center. The tune book for the weekend was the 2012 Revision of The B.F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book) unless otherwise noted.
Jeb Owen called the class to order by leading 31b (CB). Gary Rogan led the opening prayer. Leaders: Jeb Owen 60 (CB); Kristie Powell 332 (CB); Gaylon Powell 91 (CB); Sarah Huckaby 140 (CB); Gary Rogan 558 (CB); Amy Peveto 572 (CB); Bill Bailey 406 (CB); Janie Short 148 (CB); Brooke Robb 32t (CB); Liz Owen 216 (CB); Beverly Coates 268b (CB) (for Syd Caldwell); Tom Owen 101b (CB); Rick Foreman 508 (CB); Abby Huckaby 168 (CB); Stina Soderling 176t (CB); Linda Booker 39 (CB); Zack Rogan 442t (CB); Emily Brown 86 (CB); Tammy Powell 217 (CB); Kristofer Ilex 535t (CB); Lincoln Wiggins 45t (CB); Tristan Gordon 42 (CB); Vivian Rogan 343 (CB); Priscilla Wiggins 47t (CB); Kris Wiggins 49b (CB).
Leaders: Jeb Owen 376 (CB); Olivia Powell 128 (CB); Abby Huckaby 282 (CB); Tristan Gordon 123t (CB); Priscilla Wiggins 159 (CB); Tammy Powell 137 (CB); Tom Owen 522 (CB); Stina Soderling 142 (CB); Sarah Huckaby 53 (CB); Rick Foreman 186 (CB); Vivian Rogan 559 (CB); Amy Peveto 277 (CB); Brooke Robb 99 (CB); Liz Owen 192 (CB); Kristofer Ilex 98 (CB); Gary Rogan 276 (CB); Linda Booker 107 (CB); Kris Wiggins 163t (CB); Emily Brown 38t (CB); Beverly Coates 269 (CB). Elder Sonny Huckaby asked for the blessing for the noon meal.
Jeb Owen called the class back to order leading 410 (CB). He appointed Tom Owen and Silas Huckaby to serve on the Memorial Committee. Leaders: Janie Short 505 (CB); Bill Bailey 115 (CB); Kristie Powell 383 (CB); Gaylon Powell 372 (CB); Rick Foreman 560 (CB); Priscilla Wiggins 485 (CB); Tom Owen 541 (CB); Olivia Powell 45t (CB); Emily Brown 404 (CB); Stina Soderling 422b (CB); Kristofer Ilex 567 (CB); Sarah Huckaby 355 (CB); Gary Rogan 30b (CB); Linda Booker 199 (CB); Janie Short 268t (CB); Kris Wiggins 222 (CB).
Leaders: Gaylon Powell 172 (CB); Tristan Gordon 477 (CB); Bill Bailey 444t (CB); Vivian Rogan 392 (CB); Beverly Coates 520 (CB); Amy Peveto 78 (CB) (for Mike Hinton); Brooke Robb 68b (CB); Abby Huckaby 196 (CB); Liz Owen 220 (CB); Tammy Powell 543 (CB); Kristie Powell 208 (CB); Kristofer Ilex and Susannah Cummings 133 (CB); Gary Rogan and Vivian Rogan 49t (CB); Jeb Owen and Liz Owen 129 (CB); Tom Owen and Rick Foreman 47b (CB); Beverly Coates and Janie Short 270 (CB); Tristan Gordon and Stina Soderling 480t (CB); Kris Wiggins and Priscilla Wiggins 230 (CB); Kristie Powell and Holly McClarin 68t (CB).
Jeb Owen led 377b (CB) as the closing song for the day. The closing prayer was led by Kris Wiggins.
Sunday, October 6
The Sunday session of the convention began with Jackson Owen leading 422b. The morning prayer was offered by Tom Owen.
Leaders: Jackson Owen 331b (CB); Kristie Powell 210 (CB); Gaylon Powell 203 (CB); Tom Owen 422t (CB); Silas Huckaby 380t (CB); Michele Curran 356 (CB); Riley Owen 138t (CB); Stina Soderling 200 (CB); Patrick Curran 53 (CB); Tim Schaefer 40 (CB); Amy Peveto 478 (CB); Ellee Curran 427 (CB); Beverly Coates 464 (CB); Bill Bailey 121 (CB); Josh Rogan 411 (CB); Priscilla Wiggins 365 (CB); Scott Curran 383 (CB); Lauren Owen 514 (CB); Kristofer Ilex 101t (CB); Tristan Gordon 74b (CB); Vivian Rogan 215 (CB); Brooke Robb 122 (CB); Abi Curran 75 (CB); Olivia Powell and Kris Wiggins 235 (CB); Abby Huckaby 282 (CB); Daniel Allcock 45t (CB).
Leaders: Jackson Owen 107 (CB); Sarah Huckaby 163t (CB); Emily Brown 54t (CB); Tammy Powell 553 (CB); Kris Wiggins 422t (CB); Gary Rogan 48t (CB); Stina Soderling 436t (CB); Bill Bailey 73t (CB); Priscilla Wiggins 182 (CB); Josh Rogan 239 (CB); Susannah Cummings and Kristofer Ilex 380b (CB); Amy Peveto 463 (CB); Michele Curran 520 (CB).
The memorial lesson was held at this time. Silas Huckaby read the list of names of the sick and shut-ins. After making comments, he led 47t (CB).
Tom Owen read the list of names of those who passed away since we met last. After making comments, he led 568 (CB). The memorial lesson was closed with prayer offered by Riley Owen.
Leaders: Brooke Robb 425 (CB); Kris Wiggins 148 (CB); Scott Curran 424 (CB); Tristan Gordon 138b (CB); Gary Rogan 129 (CB); Riley Owen 283t (CB). The morning session closed with prayer offered by Gary Rogan.
Leaders: Jackson Owen 183 (CB); Daniel Allcock 331b (CB); Lauren Owen 288 (CB); Abi Curran 146 (CB); Abby Huckaby 222 (CB); Vivian Rogan 96 (CB); Saul San Jaun 186 (CB); Beverly Coates 421 (CB); Ellee Curran 196 (CB); Silas Huckaby 524 (CB); Tim Schaefer 63 (CB); Patrick Curran 319 (CB); Emily Brown 414 (CB); Tom Owen 399 (CB); Tammy Powell 95b (CB); Olivia Powell 240 (CB); Kristofer Ilex 552 (CB); Tristan Gordon 29t (CB); Priscilla Wiggins 408 (CB); Tim Schaefer 300 (CB); Stina Soderling 373 (CB); Kris Wiggins 58 (CB); Patrick Curran and Scott Curran 274t (CB); Emily Brown and Vivian Rogan 572 (CB); Tom Owen and Beverly Coates 465 (CB); Michele Curran and Abi Curran 571 (CB); Lauren Owen and Ellee Curran 159 (CB); Riley Owen and Silas Huckaby 47b (CB); Brooke Robb and Amy Peveto 77t (CB); Bill Bailey and Saul San Juan 335 (CB); Abby Huckaby and Olivia Powell 434 (CB); Tammy Powell and Kristie Powell 559 (CB); Daniel Allcock and Gaylon Powell 298 (CB).
After announcements, Jackson Owen led 558 (CB) as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Silas Huckaby.
Chairman—Jeb Owen; Vice Chairman—Jackson Owen; Secretaries—Gaylon Powell and Kristie Powell