Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention
Old County Line Church, Jefferson County, Alabama
September 21-22, 2024
Saturday, September 21
The annual meeting of the Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention was held on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in September. Ken Tate brought the class to order by leading 67b. The opening prayer was offered by Jeff James.
The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Ken Tate; Vice Chairman—Danny Creel; Secretary—Cindy Tanner; Chaplain—Jeff James; Arranging—Ann Jett.
Leaders: Ken Tate 498; Danny Creel 336t, 187, 63t; Shannon Primm 128t, 9; Jeff James 250t, 268, 138; Nicholas Thompson 326, 110, 281t, 281b; Cindy Tanner 258, 264, 230b; Jane Cannon 510b, 57, 43.
Cassie Allen led 210b, 288, and 318. Leaders: Callum Wood 146t, 155, 190; Brenda Chafin 70b, 332, 355; Tim Gregg 255, 170, 68; Michael Spencer 397b, 410b, 495.
The afternoon session began with Ken Tate leading 462t. Leaders: Ann Jett 51, 149, 180 (in memory of Earnie Jett); Danny Creel 203; Shannon Primm 509b, 192; Jeff James 168b, 372; Nicholas Thompson 316; Cindy Tanner 19; Jane Cannon 455b; Cassie Allen 548; Callum Wood 546b (by request), 235; Brenda Chafin 248; Tim Gregg 162; Michael Spencer 401b; Ann Jett 338b.
Ken Tate led 77 as the closing song. Jeff James dismissed the class with prayer.
Sunday, September 22
The Sunday session of the Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention began with Ken Tate leading 31t. Jeff James offered the morning prayer. Leaders: Ken Tate 107; Danny Creel 364, 186, 82b; Jeff James 477, 322, 307; Cindy Tanner 131, 234, 342; Chris Nicholson 67b, 546b, 130b; Katlin Bailey 67t, 281b, 193.
Ken Tate brought the class back together by leading 121t. Leaders: Stefani Priskos 262, 492b, 362; Henry McGuire 84, 168b, 543; Michael Spencer 409b, 163b, 493t; Shannon Primm 15; Wanda Capps and Cassie Allen 264; Jane Cannon 1, 8, 38; Nicholas Thompson 10 (in memory of Elsie Moon), 93, 16; Beth Branscome 474, 412b, 36t; Tim Gregg 154, 196, 112.
The class was brought back to order by Ken Tate leading 432t. Leaders: Cassie Allen 41t, 81b, 54, 63b; Ann Jett 255, 109, 59b, 238 (in memory of Harrison Creel); Danny Creel 354; Chris Nicholson 76b; Tim Gregg 125b, 53; Michael Spencer 310t; Henry McGuire 64; Jane Cannon 13; Katlin Bailey 207t; Nicholas Thompson 80, 117 (in memory of Earnie Jett); Stefani Priskos 316; Beth Branscome 70t; Shannon Primm 250t; Cindy Tanner 85, 308; Ann Jett 326; Jane Cannon 276; Jeff James 170. Jeff James offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Ken Tate; Vice Chairman—Danny Creel; Secretary—Cindy Tanner