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Nall and Floyd Memorial Singing

Little Flock Primitive Baptist Church, Molino, Florida

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The annual Nall and Floyd Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held on Saturday before the second Sunday in September. Gary Padgett brought the class to order by leading 367 (CB). He welcomed the class and led 36b (CB). Tim Royappa asked the Lord’s blessing on the day. Kevin Eddins led a devotional during which he read from Psalm =47 (t? b?) and led 120 (CB), 168 (CB), and 293b (CB).

Leaders: Evie Strickland 71 (CB); Jay Larson 106 (CB); John Kelley 63 (CB); Elam Eddins 102 (CB); Anne Royappa 140 (CB); Asher Smith 127 (CB); Russ Scholz 447t (CB); Eli Eddins 553 (CB); Ryan Bowman 49b (CB); Emily Eddins 431 (CB); Everett Smith 484 (CB); Darby Hamann 331b (CB); Katherine Wever 52t (CB).


Gary Padgett brought the session to order leading 300 (CB). Leaders: Tim Royappa 268b (CB); Edith Eddins 108t (CB); Mabel Larson 404 (CB); Owen Smith 274t (CB); Wynette Smith 475 (CB); Elliot Eddins 121 (CB); Nicole Bowman 183 (CB); Mary Huffman 575 (CB); Tim Taylor 77t (CB); Chris Nicholson 395b (CB); Charlotte Naylor 155 (CB); Joy Pearson 558 (CB); Uzziah Smith 392 (CB); Lars Larson 380t (CB); Ezra Eddins 507b (CB).

The memorial lesson was led by Stanley Smith. He read the list of names of the sick and shut-ins: Billy Kelley, Marion Patrick, Cathy Maddox. Stanley then read the list of names of the deceased: Tommie Spurlock, Janet King, Kennon Smith. He led 99 (CB) in memory of the deceased. He closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Singing continued with Ewan Eddins leading 504 (CB). Leaders: Jonathan Wever 464 (CB); Dana Eddins 48b (CB); Luke Strickland 427 (CB); Ethan Eddins 168 (CB); Gerald Manning 38b (CB); Stanley Smith and Farrel Stearns 518 (CB). The class sang 369 (CB) and Chris Nicholson gave thanks for the meal.


The afternoon session began with the class singing 96 (CB). Gary Padgett then led 278b (CB). Leaders: Evie Strickland 31b (CB); Mary Huffman 28b (CB); Chris Nicholson 422t (CB); Kate Larson and Vanessa Martin 559 (CB); Russ Scholz and Rebecca McBride 283 (CB) (for Virginia Rigby); Tim Taylor 54t (CB); Stanley Smith 112 (CB); John Kelley 100 (CB); Everett Smith 277 (CB); Wynette Smith 358 (CB); Darby Hamann 451 (CB); Jay Larson 282 (CB); Elam Eddins 385t (CB); Anne Royappa 65 (CB); Asher Smith 546 (CB); Ryan Bowman 543 (CB); Katherine Wever 229 (CB); Joy Pearson 573 (CB); Edith Eddins 137 (CB); Mabel Larson 348t (CB); Owen Smith 449 (CB); Elliot Eddins 31t (CB); Uzziah Smith 572 (CB); Ewan Eddins 336t (CB); Jonathan Wever 497 (CB); Luke Strickland 72 (CB); Gerald Manning 101t (CB); Charlotte Naylor 571 (CB); Nicole Bowman 463 (CB) (by request); Chris Nicholson and Stanley Smith 38t (CB); Dana Eddins 505 (CB); Aaron Martin 146 (CB); Kevin Eddins 398b (CB). Upcoming singings were announced.

Gary Padgett led 189 (CB). Gerald Manning closed the singing with prayer.

Chairman—Gary Padgett; Secretary—Evie Strickland