Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Berlin Shenandoah Harmony and
Sacred Harp Singing
Berlin, Germany
August 17-18, 2024
Saturday, August 17
The 8th annual Berlin Singing weekend was held on Saturday in the Ev. Brüdergemeinde Berlin-Neukölln, Germany. Song selections were from the Shenandoah Harmony (ShH).
Sara Hellström called the class to order by leading 110 (ShH). Lizzy van Blerkom spoke the opening prayer. Leaders: Mella Tönnies 80 (ShH); Caro Stamm-Reusch 3b (ShH); Graham Ball 434t (ShH); Jessica Sligter 1b (ShH); Joel Igli 140b (ShH); Dietmar Schwarz 260t (ShH); Ellen Kennedy 70t (ShH); Daniel Wippermann 22b (ShH); Petra Ertl 78 (ShH); Lizzy van Blerkom 160 (ShH); Sebastian Borckenhagen 34 (ShH); Edward Ricemeyer 13t (ShH); Chloë Spreadborough 12b (ShH); Chris Affolter 171 (ShH); Nataša Kukrika 236t (ShH); Cathy van Blerkom 130 (ShH); Greg Carson 132 (ShH).
Meittam Govreen called the class back to order by leading 373b (ShH). Leaders: Elisabeth Schallwig 177 (ShH); Calum Parker 326b (ShH); Hannah Kennedy 180 (ShH); Mara McPartland 81 (ShH); Dominik Fraune 147 (ShH); Ruby Bilger 363b (ShH); Graham Ball 246b (ShH); Gabriel Kyne 254 (ShH); Mella Tönnies 278 (ShH); Greg Carson 407 (ShH); Sara Hellström 364b (ShH); Lizzy van Blerkom 138 (ShH); Edward Ricemeyer 288t (ShH); Cathy van Blerkom 125 (ShH); Chloë Spreadborough 287 (ShH); Joel Igli 242 (ShH); Ellen Kennedy 226 (ShH).
Caro Stamm-Reusch called the class back to order by leading 53 (ShH). Leaders: Chris Affolter 416 (ShH); Eimear Maguire 241t (ShH); Petra Ertl viii (ShH); Sebastian Borckenhagen 323 (ShH); Joy Spreadborough 139 (ShH).
Gabriel Kyne gave the memorial lesson remembering the support he received from the singing community throughout the years. He closed the lesson by leading 77 (ShH).
Leaders: Owen Gardner 140t (ShH); Nataša Kukrika 75 (ShH); Jessica Sligter 188 (ShH); Meittam Govreen 326t (ShH); Daniel Wippermann 1t (ShH); Elisabeth Schallwig 414b (ShH); Dietmar Schwarz 404t (ShH). Chris Affolter spoke a prayer before the lunch break.
Sara Hellström called the class back to order for the afternoon session by leading 42 (ShH). Leaders: Meittan Govreen 137 (ShH); Dominik Fraune 422 (ShH); Mara McPartland 424 (ShH); Ruby Bilger 320 (ShH); Daniel Wippermann 306 (ShH); Edward Ricemeyer 456 (ShH); Calum Parker 114 (ShH); Hannah Kennedy 310 (ShH); Joel Igli 207 (ShH); Lizzy van Blerkom 222 (ShH); Caro Stamm-Reusch 403 (ShH); Chloë Spreadborough 162 (ShH); Eimear Maguire 200 (ShH); Greg Carson 146 (ShH).
Elisabeth Schallwig called the class back to order for the last session of the day by leading 105 (ShH). Leaders: Petra Ertl 285 (ShH); Owen Gardner 193 (ShH); Jessica Sligter 290 (ShH); Chris Affolter 428 (ShH); Cathy van Blerkom 340b (ShH); Joy Spreadborough 302 (ShH); Calum Parker 446 (ShH); Eimear Maguire 170 (ShH); Sara Hellström 334 (ShH); Nataša Kukrika 322 (ShH); Gabriel Kyne 335 (ShH); Sebastian Borckenhagen 204 (ShH); Mella Tönnies 121 (ShH); Hannah Kennedy 230 (ShH); Mara McPartland 264b (ShH).
Committee reports were read. Graham Ball reported that all expenses were met. Mella Tönnies gave the secretary’s report that forty-eight singers and twenty-nine leaders led eighty-three songs. Thanks were given to the singers who joined us from various cities in Germany as well as from countries such as Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, United States, Great Britain, and Israel.
Sara Hellström lead 309 (ShH) as the closing song. Joy Spreadborough offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Sunday, August 18
The 8th annual Berlin Singing weekend continued on Sunday in the Evangelisch-methodistische Christus-Kirche Berlin-Friedrichshain, Germany. Song selections were from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition.
Jessica Sligter called the class to order by leading 32t. Leaders: Sara Hellström 39t; Lizzy van Blerkom 173; Cathy van Blerkom 82t; Petra Ertl 171; Maria Neumann-Fraune 37b; Anne Eringa 28t; Chloë Spreadborough 547; Joy Spreadborough 154; Chloë Spreadborough 372; Eimear Maguire 344; Caro Stamm-Reusch 312b; Elisabeth Schallwig 99; Inga Buckland 411 (in memory of Eva Striebeck).
Caro Stamm-Reusch called the class back to order by leading 29t. Leaders: Mella Tönnies 377; Caitlin Jay 133; Jessica Sligter 214; Dietmar Schwarz 141; Daniel Wippermann 378t; Bettina Mileta 132; Calum Parker 383; Mareike Schmid 177; George Harvey 70b; Nataša Kukrika 209; Chris Affolter 522; Mandy Rose 440; Greg Carson 276; Cooper Thompson 178; Johannes Kunst 203; Owen Gardner 74t; Derek Buckland 267 (in memory of Eva Striebeck); Graham Ball 542; Sebastian Borkenhagen 114.
Petra Ertl called the class back to order by calling 430. Leaders: Maria Neumann-Fraune 38t; Chloë Spreadborough 148; Sara Hellström 300; Ruby Bilger 285t; Lizzy van Blerkom 367; Cathy van Blerkom 102; Mara McPartland 444; Joy Spreadborough 299; Eimear Maguire 442; Caro Stamm-Reusch 500; Elisabeth Schallwig 532; Inga Buckland 544.
Mella Tönnies called the class back to order by leading 112. Leaders: Chris Affolter 172; Calum Parker 434; Anne Eringa 189; Graham Ball 376; Nataša Kukrika 38b; Daniel Wippermann 347; Caitlin Jay 340; Mandy Rose 480; George Harvey 335; Mareike Schmid 86; Owen Gardner 36b; Greg Carson 268; Petra Ertl 472; Sebastian Borckenhagen 277; Derek Buckland 491; Johannes Kunst 30t. A total of sixty-five songs were led by thirty-two leaders.
Sara Hellström led 146 as the closing song. The class was dismissed.
Chairperson—Sara Hallström; Secretary—Mella Tönnies