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Capital City Singing

Montgomery, Alabama

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The 35th annual Capital City Singing was held on the third Thursday in July at the Loeb Reception Center at Old Alabama Town, Montgomery, Alabama. The class was called to order by Stefani Priskos leading 131b (SH). Priskos welcomed singers on behalf of the Alabama Center for Traditional Culture and the Landmarks Foundation of Montgomery. Stefani Priskos led 48t (SH), and Tom George offered the opening prayer.

The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition leaders: Mary Huffman 34b (SH); Mary Amelia Taylor 36b (SH); Chris Parris 421 (SH); Ann Riley 282 (SH); Tim Taylor 228 (SH); Judy Chambless 454 (SH) (in memory of Henry Guthery); Jack Nelson 560 (SH); Darlu Taylor 146 (SH); Robert Chambless 163b (SH).

The B.F. White Sacred Harp, Cooper revision leaders: Steve Grauberger 127 (CB); Joey Brackner 82 (CB); Dennis George 38t (CB); Emily Eddins and Deborah Mixon 57 (CB); Tom George 266b (CB); Stanley Smith 567 (CB); Ann Riley 270 (CB); Chris Parris 574 (CB) (in memory of Tommie Spurlock); Erin Fulton 457 (CB); Jack Nelson 514 (CB).


Stefani Priskos brought the class back to order leading 130b (CH). The Christian Harmony leaders: Mary Amelia Taylor 63t (CH); Tom George 65b (CH); Tim Taylor 455b (CH); Erin Fulton 231 (CH); Dennis George 180 (CH); Stanley Smith 258 (CH); Emily Eddins 82 (CH); Mary Huffman 54 (CH); Tim Taylor 322 (CH); Erin Fulton 238 (CH); Tom George 51 (CH); Mary Amelia Taylor 50 (CH); Stanley Smith 64 (CH); Dennis George 16 (CH); Mary Huffman 493b (CH); Stefani Priskos 172 (CH).


Stefani Priskos brought the class back together leading 10 (CSH). The Colored Sacred Harp leaders: Joey Brackner 24 (CSH); Mary Amelia Taylor 95 (CSH); Dennis George 9 (CSH); Erin Fulton 6 (CSH); Steve Grauberger 53 (CSH); Tom George 29t (CSH); Mary Huffman 65b (CSH); Stanley Smith 87 (CSH) and “Lord, Give Me Just a Little More Time”. Tom George offered the blessing for the noon meal.


Stefani Priskos brought the class back together for a leader’s choice afternoon session leading 82b (SH). Leaders: Steve Grauberger 417 (SH); Oscar McGuire 485 (SH); Chris Parris 358 (SH); Darlu Taylor 277 (CB); Dennis George 564 (SH); Ann Riley 318 (SH); Emily Eddins 168 (CB); Joey Brackner 276 (SH); Tim Taylor 546 (SH); Stanley Smith 480 (SH); Mary Huffman 569b (SH); Mary Amelia Taylor 99 (SH); Oscar McGuire 515 (SH); Steve Grauberger 463 (CB); Chris Parris 112 (SH); Emily Eddins 56 (CB); Dennis George 178 (SH); Avery Bryan 427 (CB); Chris Parris 268 (SH), 45t (SH); Stefani Priskos and Oscar McGuire 198 (SH), 229 (SH). Announcements were made.

Stefani Priskos led 62 (SH) as the closing song, and Tom George offered the closing prayer.

Chairperson—Stefani Priskos; Secretaries—Mary Huffman and Mary Amelia Taylor