Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Georgian Harmony Singing
Sweetwater Chapel, Lawrenceville, Georgia
Saturday, March 30, 2024
The annual Georgian Harmony Singing was held on Saturday before the first fifth Sunday in 2024. All song selections were from The Georgian Harmony by Raymond Hamrick. John Plunkett called the class to order leading 141. Bill Hollingsworth offered the morning prayer.
Leaders: John Plunkett 201; Bill Hollingsworth 155; David Smead 152; Christy Sinksen 233; Debora Grosse and Scott Grosse 25; Eddie Mash 26; Mary Baumeister 208; Helen Bryson 42; Oscar McGuire 9; Lisa Bennett 153; Will Gatewood 108; Shawn Taylor 15; Sandra Wilkinson 33; Chris Wilhelm 246; Leigh Cooper 66; Bill DuPre 65; Jesse P. Karlsberg 16, 44 (for John Hollingsworth).
John Plunkett called the class to order leading 174. Leaders: Bill Hollingsworth 211; David Smead 198; Christy Sinksen 87; Debora Grosse 105; Eddie Mash 22; Mary Baumeister 28; Helen Bryson 50; Oscar McGuire 49; Lisa Bennett 48; Will Gatewood 19; Shawn Taylor 140; John Plunkett and Molly Peck 80; Sandra Wilkinson 111; Chris Wilhelm 181; Leigh Cooper 18; Bill DuPre 51; Jesse P. Karlsberg 86; Bill Hollingsworth 204.
Leaders: Bill Hollingsworth 54; David Smead 102; Christy Sinksen 252; Eddie Mash 13; Mary Baumeister 224 (in memory of Scott Swanton); Oscar McGuire 11; Lisa Bennett 10; Will Gatewood 29; Shawn Taylor 146; John Plunkett 226; Chris Wilhelm 122; Sandra Wilkinson 118; Bill DuPre 47; Bill Hollingsworth 138; David Smead 40; Christy Sinksen 203; Bill Hollingsworth 136; Mary Baumeister 170; Oscar McGuire 196; Lisa Bennett 244; Will Gatewood 171; John Plunkett 38; Chris Wilhelm 176; Bill DuPre 82. Announcements were made.
John Plunkett led 255 as the closing song. Eddie Mash offered the closing prayer.
Chairman—John Plunkett; Vice Chairman—Bill Hollingsworth; Secretary—David Smead