Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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The Social Harp and Sacred Harp Singing

No. 3 Railroad Street Community Center, Arnoldsville, Georgia

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The 50th annual session of The Social Harp and Sacred Harp Singing was held on the fourth Sunday in February. Michael Spencer brought the class to order by leading 86 (ScH). John Hollingsworth offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Bill Hollingsworth 31 (ScH); David Smead 35 (ScH); David Brodeur 133 (ScH); Lisa Bennett 75 (ScH); Shannon Primm 183 (ScH); Oscar McGuire 34 (ScH); Esther Morgan-Ellis 87 (ScH); Dave Farmer 98 (ScH); Lauren Bock 198 (ScH); Robert Kelley 141 (ScH); John Hollingsworth 156 (ScH) (for John Garst); José Camacho-Cerna 137 (ScH); Jane Cannon 23b (ScH); John Plunkett 212 (ScH); Bill Hogan 21 (ScH); Mary Baumeister 53 (ScH); Jesse P. Karlsberg, Lucey Rose Karlsberg and Hattie Karlsberg 19 (ScH); Shawn Taylor 103 (ScH); Chris Wilhelm 61b (ScH).


Leaders: Nathan Rees 182 (ScH); Judy Mincey 135 (ScH); Lucey Rose Karlsberg 207 (ScH); Michael Spencer 37 (ScH); Bill Hollingsworth 146 (ScH); David Smead 200 (ScH); David Brodeur 43 (ScH); Lisa Bennett 55t (ScH); Shannon Primm 213 (ScH); Oscar McGuire 159 (ScH); Esther Morgan-Ellis 199 (ScH); Dave Farmer 153 (ScH); Lauren Bock 155 (ScH).

The class went into a business session and elected the following officers: Chairman—Michael Spencer; Vice Chairman—Bill Hollingsworth; Secretary—David Smead. David Smead spoke about the history of this singing. The Social Harp was compiled by John Gordon McCurry of Hart County, Georgia, and published in 1855. It went through three printings and was the source of several songs in the Sacred Harp, but it fell into obscurity by the middle of the twentieth century. The University of Georgia Press reprinted The Social Harp in 1973, and there was a singing to celebrate the reprinting, which became this annual singing. Originally the Social Harp was the only book used, but by popular demand the Sacred Harp was added as a second book starting in 1986. The record in the minutes shows that song choices at the singing have changed over time—in the early years of the singing most leaders chose songs from the Social Harp that it shares in common with the Sacred Harp, but in recent years the great majority of the songs led from the Social Harp are not found in other books. Until 2020 the singing was held at different locations on the campus of the University of Georgia. John Hollingsworth described the huge crowds that would come to listen, and the minutes include accounts of figures like the Georgia artist Howard Finster giving speeches and singing, and television crews recording the proceedings.

Leaders: Robert Kelley 152 (ScH); José Camacho-Cerna 20b (ScH); Jane Cannon 61t (ScH); John Plunkett 218t (ScH); Bill Hogan and Nancy Hogan 192 (ScH); Mary Baumeister 134 (ScH); Jesse P. Karlsberg 170 (ScH); Shawn Taylor 209 (ScH); Chris Wilhelm 51 (ScH); Nathan Rees 132 (ScH); Judy Mincey 184 (ScH). The poet and translator Coleman Barks was introduced, and recited part of Rumi’s poem “What Was Said to the Rose” in appreciation for the singers.


The afternoon session was called to order by Michael Spencer leading 354t. Leaders: Bill Hollingsworth 365; David Smead 449 (in memory of Dan Brittain); Alissa Eiesland 312b; Shawn Taylor 263; David Brodeur 327; Lisa Bennett 232 (in memory of Dan Brittain); Shannon Primm 86 (for George-Ann Evans); Oscar McGuire 556; Esther Morgan-Ellis 320; Dave Farmer 532; Lauren Bock and Lucey Rose Karlsberg 196; Robert Kelley 273; Nancy Hogan 309; John Hollingsworth 240; José Camacho-Cerna 455; Jane Cannon 267; John Plunkett 351; Bill Hogan 195; Mary Baumeister 270 (in memory of Scott Swanton); Jesse P. Karlsberg 360; Christy Sinksen 186 (for Elsie Hollingsworth); Nathan Rees 338; Chris Wilhelm 228; Judy Mincey 547 (for Liz Patton and Marie Brazil). After announcements, Michael Spencer led 521 as the closing song. John Hollingsworth offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Michael Spencer; Vice Chairman—Bill Hollingsworth; Secretary—David Smead