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Minnesota Midwinter Cooper Book Singing

St. Paul, Minnesota

Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Minnesota Convention met at Olivet Lutheran Church in St. Paul for a Midwinter All-Day Singing from the Cooper Book on Saturday before the second Sunday in February. The class was called to order by Mike Mullin and Paul Wyatt leading 511t. Steven Schmidgall offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Claudia Egelhof 63; Matt Wells 273; Jim Pfau 171; Hannah Lutz 505; Miles Alexander 40; Midge Olsen 218; Tamara Shewmaker 590; Suzanne McFate 124t; Jim Goetz 484; Jeanette Nelson 449; Cathy Lutz 138t; Nadia Bolz-Weber 571; Martha Henderson 208; Carol Buche and Stephen Parker 587; Ben Fink 478.


Steve Schmidgall led 391 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Mike Mullin 268b; Kat Kohorst 416t; Eleanor Haase 142; Paul Landskroener 41; Isabel Segalovich 183; Karen Clark 520; Chris Geissler 156; Cathy Jordan 300; Michael Moore 264t; Kit Canright 336t; Paul Wyatt 327; Stacey Berkheimer 448.


Steven Levine led 293b to bring the class back together. Mike Mullin and Paul Wyatt led 176t as the memorial lesson. Names of the deceased were as follows: Pastor Sam Butler—Florida and Minnesota; Tommie Spurlock and Marlon Wootten—Alabama; Becky Browne—Missouri; Eva Striebeck—Germany; John Van Duzer—Colorado; Charlotte Ehrman—New York; P. Dan Brittain and Lloyd Caldwell—Arkansas; Lydia Lewallen—North Carolina; Joyce Luttinen—Wisconsin; Marian Syrjamiki—Minnesota. The names of the sick and shut-ins follows: Robert Lockhart, Ginnie Ely, Joe Crouse, Pastor Doug Donley, and Donna Anderson.

Leaders: Steve Luttinen 504; Anna Pfau Clark 210; Karen Swenson 55; Jacob Kiakahi 581; Jeanette Nelson 486; Mike Mullin and Paul Wyatt 369.


Paul Landskroener led 87 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Haley Walsh 148; Hanna Peterson 421; Hannah Lutz 393; Alec Jenkins-White 559; Steven Schmidgall 96; Steve Florman 164; CJ McFate 332; Tamara Shewmaker 137; Matt Wells 133; Joel Settleholm 50t; Jim Pfau 269; Kat Kohorst 38t; Jacob Kiakahi 39; Eleanor Haase 575; Shana Wenger 303; Ben Fink 229; Karen Clark 573.


Anna Pfau Clark led 550 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Steven Levine 580; Paul Landskroener 150; Steven Parker 32t; Miles Alexander 77t; Steve Luttinen 380b; Suzanne McFate 340; Claudia Egelhoff 586; Chris Geissler 50b; Haley Walsh 49t; Michael Moore 563; Alec Jenkins-White 574; Cathy Lutz 410; Carol Buche 500; Jacob Kiakahi 411; Midge Olsen 235; Martha Henderson 503.

Paul Wyatt and Mike Mullin led 527 as the closing song. Steven Schmidgall offered the closing prayer.

Chairmen—Paul Wyatt and Mike Mullin; Secretaries—Claudia Egelhoff and Karen Swenson