Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Rotunda Singing

Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Alabama

Saturday, February 3, 2024

The 25th session of the Rotunda Singing was held in the foyer of the Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Alabama, on Saturday before the first Sunday in February. Four songbooks were used: The Colored Sacred Harp; The B.F. White Sacred Harp, Cooper Edition; the Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition; and The Christian Harmony, 2010 Edition. The class was called to order by Stefani Priskos leading 32t. She welcomed the class, and then Danny Creel offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Stefani Priskos 30b; Arlon Gardner 565; Ann Riley 542; David Ivey 85; Joey Brackner 430; Beth Branscome 228; Jack Nelson 399b; Ted Price 300; Karen Clark 573 (CB); Mary Amelia Taylor 380t (CB); Michael Rogers 40 (CB); Isabelle Green 162 (CB); Tim Taylor 567 (CB); Danny Creel 355 (CB); Ellen Fournier 559 (CB); John T. Blakeley 522 (CB).


Leaders: Mary Amelia Taylor 82 (CB); Katlin Bailey 276 (CB); Steve Grauberger 127 (CB); Kennon Smith 30t (CB); Daila Taylor 277 (CB); Jonathon Blakeley 47b (CB); Cindy Tanner 358 (CB) (by request); Jim Carnes 133 (CH); Jeff James 264 (CH); Dylan Fezzell 172 (CH); Gavin Blakeley 261t (CH); Herbert Buchanan 179 (CH); Cindy Tanner 51 (CH); Jack Nelson 109 (CH); Stefani Priskos 171 (CH); Arlon Gardner 380 (CH); Danny Creel 186 (CH).


The class was called back together by Stefani Priskos leading 29 (CSH). Leaders: Joey Brackner 24 (CSH); Karen Clark 12 (CSH); Herbert Buchanan “Lord, Give Me Just A Little More Time”; David Ivey 3 (CSH); Jim Carnes 19 (CSH); Steve Grauberger 95 (CSH).


The afternoon session began with Stefani Priskos leading 472. Leaders: Chris Parris 421; Bradley Smith 73b; Cheyenne Ivey 56t; Haley Rodgers 178; Elene Stovall 172; Gavin Blakeley 196; Beth Branscome 99; Tim Taylor 475; Isabelle Green 146; Katlin Bailey 107; Ted Price 137; Michael Rodgers 239 (CB); Ellen Fournier 511t (CB); Ann Riley 96 (CB); Kennon Smith 189 (CB); Daila Taylor 376 (CB); Mary Amelia Taylor 464 (CB); Jeff James 514 (CB); Karen Clark 574 (CB) (in memory of Tommie Spurlock); Dylan Fezzell 377t (CB).


Leaders: Stefani Priskos 67b (CH); Danny Creel 432b (CH); Herbert Buchanan 143 (CH); Jack Nelson 117 (CH); Arlon Gardner 216t (CH); Gavin Blakeley 153 (CH); Dylan Fezzell 184 (CH); Jeff James 250t (CH); Tim Taylor 417b (CH); Beth Branscome 470 (CH); Katlin Bailey 362 (CH); Mary Amelia Taylor 336t (CH); Cindy Tanner 322 (CH).

Stefani Priskos led 200 (CH) as the closing song. Tim Taylor dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairperson—Stefani Priskos; Secretary—Cindy Tanner