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Roving Shenandoah Harmony Singing

St. Francis Church Hall, Newcastle, United Kingdom

Saturday, January 20, 2024

The 4th session of the Roving Shenandoah Harmony Singing met at St. Francis Church Hall, Cleveland Gardens, Newcastle upon Tyne, on the third Saturday in January. The class was called to order by Claire Welford, who welcomed the class and led 1b (ShH). Paula Wardlaw offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were appointed to serve: Chairman—Claire Welford; Secretary/Arranging Committee—Lin James; Treasurer—Phil Tyler.

Leaders: Phil Tyler 260t (ShH); Mark Wardlaw 7b (ShH); Helen Barber 132 (ShH); Joel Wallenberg 43t (ShH); Benny Ross 53 (ShH); Conor Murray 70t (ShH); Anne Altringham 125 (ShH); Mika 236t (ShH); Calum Parker 446t (ShH); Caro Stamm-Reusch 230 (ShH); Richard Mayers 310 (ShH); Molly McCracken 246b (ShH); Petra Ertl 4t (ShH).


Margaret Bradshaw led 120t (ShH) to bring the class together. Leaders: Ruth Holman and Benny Ross 5t (ShH); Machna Nowak 434t (ShH); John Bealle 145 (ShH); Eloise Clark 91 (ShH); Paul Gailunas 265 (ShH); Jan Geerts 231 (ShH); Karen Turner 221 (ShH); Phil Tyler 214 (ShH); Mark Wardlaw 429 (ShH); Helen Barber 264b (ShH); Molly McCracken 80 (ShH); Conor Murray 41 (ShH); Anne Altringham 114 (ShH); Caro Stamm-Reusch 282 (ShH); Mika 22b (ShH); Calum Parker 140b (ShH);

The memorial lesson was conducted by Jan Geerts. Jan read the following list of names of the sick and shut-ins: Cath Tyler, Paul Zaba, Dan Ellis, Rike Fischer, Vicki Elliot, Alex Ford, and Lucy Whalley.

She read aloud the following list of names of the deceased: Jenny Secretan and Eve Turner—Newcastle upon Tyne; Ron James and Mary Needham—South Wales; Eva Striebeck—Germany; Cheryl Foreman—Texas, USA; P. Dan Brittain—Arkansas, USA; Doris Cottle—New Zealand; Steve from Sheffield; Jess’s great grandmother, Madeira.

Jan Geerts led 231 (ShH). Helen Barber gave thanks for the mid-day meal.


Benny Ross led 248t (ShH) to bring the class together. Leaders: Joel Wallenberg 78 (ShH); Petra Ertl 285 (ShH); Richard Mayers 254 (ShH); Margaret Bradshaw 278 (ShH); Machna Nowak 94 (ShH); Mark Wardlaw 403 (ShH); Ruth Holman 332 (ShH); John Bealle 96b (ShH); Eloise Clark 294 (ShH); Paul Gailunas 414b (ShH); Jan Geerts 457 (ShH); Karen Turner 180 (ShH); Helen Barber 139 (ShH); Molly McCracken 363 (ShH); Conor Murray 243 (ShH); Phil Tyler 404t (ShH); Anne Altringham 305 (ShH); Caro Stamm-Reusch 322 (ShH); Mika 242 (ShH); Claire Welford 200 (ShH).


Calum Parker led 127 (ShH) to bring the class together. Leaders: Joel Wallenberg 270 (ShH); Petra Ertl 368 (ShH); Molly McCracken 77 (ShH); Richard Mayers 158b (ShH); John Bealle 269 (ShH); Eloise Clark 278 (ShH); Caro Stamm-Reusch 397 (ShH); Mika 287 (ShH); Jan Geerts 124 (ShH); Margaret Bradshaw 105 (ShH); Paul Gailunas 177 (ShH); Ruth Holman 31 (ShH); Helen Barber 138 (ShH).

Announcements were made. Lin James, as secretary, reported that with twenty-two leaders sixty-eight songs had been led. Claire Welford thanked the pitchers (Mark Wardlaw, Joel Wallenberg, Phil Tyler, and Benny Ross) and all present for making this a wonderful day of singing. She led 309 (ShH) as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Jessica Beer.

Chairperson—Claire Welford; Secretary—Lin James