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American Christmas Harp Singing

The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington

Saturday, December 30, 2023

The annual American Christmas Harp Singing was held at The Evergreen State College Organic Farmhouse in Olympia, Washington, on the Saturday before the 5th Sunday in December. Songs were called from the American Christmas Harp (ACH) and The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition. The class was called to order Ian Suchon leading 82 (ACH). Rosie Sokolov offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Ian Suchon 9 (ACH); Peter Schinske 1 (ACH), 2 (ACH); Sara Ng 81 (ACH), 105 (ACH); Doug Hill 92 (ACH), 474; Nancy Novotny 88 (ACH), 90 (ACH); Alex Short 124 (ACH), 125 (ACH); Anne Huckins 122 (ACH), 60 (ACH); Eric Schwab 32 (ACH), 58 (ACH); Marla Elliott 48 (ACH); Laura McMurray 100 (ACH), 30b.


The second session was brought to order by Eric Schwab leading 52t. Leaders: Bob Schinske 38 (ACH), 28 (ACH); Rosie Sokolov 62 (ACH), 229; Jim Friedrich 46 (ACH), 10 (ACH); Chris Noren 19 (ACH), 63 (ACH); Eleanor Stevens 457, 447; John Berendzen 77 (ACH); Karen Willard 110 (ACH), 129 (ACH); Mischa Skeeter 268, 448t. Rosie Sokolov asked a blessing before the meal.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Ian Suchon leading 78 (ACH). Leaders: Kate Fine 441; Kristoger Ilex 279, 125; Campbell Longworth 228, 198; Jack Lofton 74 (ACH), 126 (ACH); Rosie Sokolov 426b, 74b; Karen Willard 107 (ACH), 104 (ACH); John Berendzen 535; Chris Noren 64 (ACH), 106 (ACH); Nancy Novotny 42 (ACH), 106 (ACH); Marla Elliott 318. Leland Ross led a song not included in either book, titled “In Bethlem Town”.


The day’s final session was brought to order by Kate Fortin leading 32t. Leaders: Eric Schwab 8 (ACH), 56 (ACH); Peter Schinske 50 (ACH), 89 (ACH); Anne Huckins 26 (ACH), 31 (ACH); Adam Berey 83b, 127; Campbell Longworth 86, 87; Bob Schinske 120 (ACH), 36 (ACH); Alex Short 224, 111b; Mischa Skeeter 155, 324; Kristofer Ilex 61 (ACH), 475.

A business meeting was held. Ian Suchon thanked officers and committee members for their service, thanked the cooks for bringing a bounty of food, thanked the members of the class who had keyed throughout the day, thanked Bob Schinske and Laura McMurray for arranging, and resolved to meet again next year. Jenna Tompkins gave the secretary’s report stating that twenty-five leaders led seventy-five songs. Marla Elliott shared the treasurer’s report that expenses had been met. The meeting was closed. Announcements were made.

Ian Suchon led 162 (ACH) as the closing song. Rosie Sokolov delivered the closing prayer. The class was dismissed.

Chairman—Ian Suchon; Secretary—Jenna Tompkins