Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Andrews Chapel Singing

Roberta Civic Center, Roberta, Georgia

Saturday, October 14, 2023

The annual singing at Andrews Chapel was held at the Roberta Civic Center on

Saturday before the third Sunday in October while Andrews Chapel is still under-

going repairs. The class was called together by Bert Collins leading 97 and 542. Bill Dupre offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Bill Dupre 229; Glenda Collins 32t, 63; Esther Morgan-Ellis 37b, 37t; Oscar McGuire 34b, 171; Lily Hooks 354b; Wayne Watson 68b, 490; Mary Brownlee and John Brownlee 147b, 47b.


The class resumed singing with Michael Spencer leading 354t and 420. Leaders: Bill Dupre 49b, 122; Martha Harrell 77t, 61; Sandra Wilkinson 335, 515; Rosemund Watson 503, 94; Faye Hollis 283, 99. Wayne Watson asked the blessing on the noon meal.


The singing resumed after lunch with Esther Morgan-Ellis leading 270 and 285t.

Leaders: Bert Collins 35; Glenda Collins 491; Oscar McGuire 441; Trent Peachey 548, 570; Mary Brownlee and John Brownlee 34t; Wayne Watson 480; Michael Spencer 289; Bill Dupre 31t; Martha Harrell 45t; Sandra Wilkinson 277; Trent Peachey 268, 318; Faye Hollis 470. Announcements were made, and a request was made for Esther Morgan-Ellis to lead 149.

Rose Watson and Lily Hooks led 347 as the traditional closing song. Wayne Watson dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Bill Dupre; Vice Chairman—Bert Collins; Secretary—Glenda Collins