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Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention

Union Baptist Church, Jefferson County, Alabama

September 23-24, 2023

Saturday, September 23

The Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention was held on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in September. The class was called to order by Ken Tate leading 67b. Danny Creel offered the opening prayer. Ken Tate welcomed the class, and then led 109.

Leaders: Danny Creel 493b, 546b, 322; Cindy Tanner 91, 342; Matthew Siefert 95, 170; Wanda Capps 264, 117; Cindy Hall 171b, 180; Michael Spencer 409b, 193b, 163b; Eric Jones 188, 248.


Ken Tate led 176 to bring the class together. Leaders: Dawson Dockery 214, 165; Debra Fieaster 204t, 93; Beth Branscome 346, 470, 412b; Regina Derstine 280, 86b; Cassie Allen 281t, 292, 81b; Ann Jett 110, 255, 238 (in memory of Harrison Creel).


The afternoon session began with Danny Creel leading 354. Leaders: Cindy Tanner 168, 167b; Wanda Capps 131, 149; Cindy Hall 293, 355; Mike Spencer 465t, 455b; Dawson Dockery 128b, 234; Beth Branscome 294, 35t; Stefani Priskos 277b, 105t, 276; Regina Derstine 283, 146; Cassie Allen 54, 205; Ann Jett 59b, 338; Henry Guthery 133; Danny Creel 186. Announcements were made.

Ken Tate led 76b as the closing song. Danny Creel dismissed the class with prayer.

Sunday, September 24

The Sunday session of the Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention began with Danny Creel leading 419. He welcomed the class, and then offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Ken Tate 410b; Danny Creel 1, 10, 14; Caitlyn Bailey 259b, 493b, 362; Mike Spencer 401b, 416t, 310t; Jeff James 310b, 417t, 268; SuNell Ellis 64, 133, 322.


Ken Tate led 107. Leaders: Henry McGuire 510t, 449, 493t; Cindy Tanner 258, 85, 228; Cassie Allen 210b, 510b, 548; Yancey Jett 123, 281b, 287; Virginia Bonhan 109, 86.


The Sunday afternoon session began with Danny Creel leading 43 and 307. Leaders: Ann Jett 51, 149, 170; the class sang 54 (for Barrett Patton by phone); Caitlyn Bailey 432; Mike Spencer 13; Jeff James 230b, 172; SuNell Ellis 214; Henry McGuire 288; Cindy Tanner 235; Cassie Allen 16, 176 (for Yancey Jett); Ann Jett 326; Caitlyn Bailey 297t; the class sang 332, 308, 318, 93. Announcements were made. The 2024 session of the Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention will be held on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in September at a location to be determined later.

Danny Creel led 89 as the closing song, and then offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Ken Tate; Vice Chairman—Danny Creel; Secretary—Cindy Tanner