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Berlin Shenandoah Harmony
and Sacred Harp Singing

Ev. Brüdergemeine Berlin-Neukölln, Germany
and Evangelischmethodistische Christus-Kirche
Berlin-Friedrichshain, Germany

August 19-20, 2023

Saturday, August 19

The 7th annual Berlin Singing weekend was held on Saturday in the Ev. Brüdergemeinde Berlin-Neukölln, Germany. Song selections were from the Shenandoah Harmony (ShH).

Graham Bell called the class to order by leading 204 (ShH). Molly McCracken spoke the opening prayer. Leaders: Caro Stamm-Reusch 80 (ShH); Hannah Kennedy 335b (ShH); Mara McPartland 133 (ShH); Petra Ertl 310 (ShH); Molly McCracken 246b (ShH); Tobias Saalman 140b (ShH); Eloise Clark 338 (ShH); Peter Kocher 296 (ShH); Melanie Tönnies 153 (ShH); Edward Ricemeyer 7t (ShH); Lizzy Van Blerkom 424t (ShH); Kobi Bordoley 403b (ShH).


Christopher Schuller called the class back together by leading 112 (ShH). Leaders: Jessica Sligter 442 (ShH); Elana Boehm 254 (ShH); Jeremy Donaldson 202 (ShH); Christoher Schuller 57 (ShH); Joel Igli 457 (ShH); John Bealle 145 (ShH); Caro Stamm-Reusch 208 (ShH); Meittam Govnes 206 (ShH); Calum Parker 260t (ShH); Sara Hellström 95 (ShH); Molly McCracken 322 (ShH); Peter Kocher 37 (ShH); Mara McPartland 180 (ShH); Tobias Saalman 106 (ShH); Lizzy Van Blerkom 161 (ShH); Edward Ricemeyer 105 (ShH); Eloise Clark 260t (ShH); Hannah Kennedy 300 (ShH); Melanie Tönnies 259 (ShH); Kobi Bordoley 162 (ShH); Jessica Sligter 200 (ShH); Christoher Schuller 287 (ShH); Petra Ertl 429b (ShH); Ruby Bilger 226 (ShH).


Chloë Spreadborough gave the memorial lesson, which was dedicated to the memory of Eva Striebeck and her impact on the Hamburg singing and Chloë’s own introduction to singing. Chloë read the names on the list of sick and housebound which included Joy Spreadborough, Rike Fischer, and Manfred Stamm and the memorial list which included Melanie Hauff, Ted Mercer, Lydia Lewallen, Eva Striebeck, Pam Larson, and David Lofthause. Chloë closed by leading 129. Leaders: Chris Affolter 416 (ShH); Elana Boehm 12b (ShH); Calum Parker 125b (ShH); Joel Igli 222 (ShH).


Meittam Govreen called the class back together by leading 326t (ShH). Leaders: Peter Kocher 245 (ShH); Tobias Saalman 198 (ShH); Jessica Sligter 290 (ShH); John Bealle 413 (ShH); Mara McPartland 242 (ShH); Eloise Clark 367 (ShH); Jeremy Donaldson 414t (ShH); Calum Parker 120t (ShH); Kobi Bordoley 64 (ShH); Caro Stamm-Reusch 110 (ShH); Joel Igli 7b (ShH); Gabriel Kyne 244 (ShH); Chris Affolter 428 (ShH); Lizzy Van Blerkom 407 (ShH).


Edward Ricemeyer called the class back together by leading 397 (ShH). Leaders: Hannah Kennedy 230 (ShH); Christoher Schuller 364t (ShH); Sara Hellström 363 (ShH); Kobi Bordoley 264t (ShH); Melanie Tönnies 227 (ShH); Calum Parker 326b (ShH); John Bealle Beale 13t (ShH); Jeremy Donaldson 177 (ShH); Kate Halls 113 (ShH); Gabriel Kyne 1b (ShH); Lizzy Van Blerkom 155b (ShH); Mara McPartland 170 (ShH); Joel Igli 76t (ShH); Tobias Saalman 88 (ShH); Petra Ertl 381b (ShH).

Committee reports were read. Meittam Govreen reported that all expenses were met. Molly McCracken gave the secretary’s report that there were fifty-five singers total, and thirty-six led seventy-five songs. Thanks were given to all the singers who joined us from Scotland, England, Norway, France, Australia, and the United States as well as from two other German federal states. Graham Bell led 265 (ShH) as the closing song. Calum Parker offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, August 20

The 7th annual Berlin Singing weekend continued on Sunday in the Evangelischmethodistische Christus-Kirche Berlin-Friedrichshain, Germany. Song selections were from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition.

Eloise Clark called the class to order by speaking the opening prayer. Graham Bell led 146. Leaders: Jessica Sligter 31t; Calum Parker 37t; Melanie Tönnies 276; Edward Ricemeyer 29t; Chris Affolter 40; John Bealle 376; Joel Igli 269; Jeremy Donaldson 504; Graham Bell 448t; Petra Ertl 344; Molly McCracken 65; Mira McPartland 47b; Lizzy Van Blerkom 180; Lilith Wozniak 277; Hannah Kennedy 377.


Chloë Spreadborough called the class back together by leading 325. Leaders: Caro Stamm-Reusch 313t; Peter Kocher 312t; Elana Boehm 49t; Chloë Spreadborough 300; Eloise Clark 485; John Bealle 94; Meittam Govreen 457; Kobi Bordoley 268; Calum Parker 318; Jessica Sligter 456; Melanie Tönnies 245; Chris Affolter 353.


Gabriel Kyne called the class back together by leading 101t. Leaders: Owen Gardner 125; Edward Ricemeyer 189; Graham Bell 70t; Lilith Wozniak 159; Hannah Kennedy 163t; Sara Hellström 33t; Petra Ertl 216; Molly McCracken 335; Mara McPartland 532; Eloise Clark 480; Peter Kocher 49b; Chloë Spreadborough 123b; John Bealle 217; Gabriel Kyne 228; Kobi Bordoley 179; Caro Stamm-Reusch 500; Melanie Tönnies 214; Jessica Sligter 302.


Meittam Govreen called the class back together by leading 332. Leaders: Chris Affolter 270; Jeremy Donaldson 547; Calum Parker 542; Paula Franziska Opp 86; Owen Gardner 134.

Announcements were made and committee reports were read. Molly McCracken gave the Secretary’s report that there were fifty-five singers in total, and fifty-five songs were led by thirty-three leaders. Thanks were given to all singers. The closing prayer was offered by Edward Ricemeyer. Graham Bell led 267 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Graham Bell; Secretary—Molly McCracken