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Tyneside Shape Note Singers
Shenandoah Harmony Singing

Side By Side Arts, Dunsmuir Grove,
Bensham, Gateshead, United Kingdom

Sunday, June 4, 2023

The 7th annual session of the Tyneside Shape Note Singers met at Side By Side Arts, Dunsmuir Grove, Bensham, Gateshead on the first Sunday in June. All song selections are from The Shenandoah Harmony (ShH).

The class was called to order by Claire Welford, who welcomed the class, offered prayer, and then led 162 (ShH). Leaders: Phil Tyler 3b ShH); Joel Wallenberg 397 ShH); Margaret Bradshaw 264b (ShH); Colin Monson 94 (ShH); Benny Ross 363 (ShH); Mark Wardlaw 83t (ShH); Ed Johnson-Williams 78 (ShH); Anne Altringham 305 (ShH); Claire Welford 304 (ShH); Mark Wardlaw for Lin James 37 (ShH); Jan Geerts 154 (ShH); Karen Turner 418t (ShH); Sam Carter 260t (ShH); Helen Barber 138 (ShH); Erin Johnson-Williams 243 (ShH)


Phil Tyler led 53 (ShH) to bring the class together. Leaders: Joel Wallenberg 221 (ShH); Claire Welford for Caleb Leeke 364b (ShH); Margaret Bradshaw 278 (ShH); Calum Parker 140b (ShH); Colin Monson 407 (ShH); Benny Ross 200 (ShH); Mark Wardlaw 351 (ShH); Ed Johnson-Williams 429 (ShH); Anne Altringham 125 (ShH); Mark Wardlaw for Lin James 57 (ShH); Karen Turner 6b (ShH); Jan Geerts 420t (ShH); Sam Carter 16 (ShH); Helen Barber 27 (ShH); Phil Tyler 64 (ShH); Joel Wallenberg 41 (ShH); Erin Johnson-Williams 204 (ShH). Claire Welford gave thanks for the mid-day meal.


Claire Welford led 22b (ShH) to bring the class together. Leaders: Margaret Bradshaw 242 (ShH); Conor Murray 120t (ShH); Calum Parker 326b (ShH); Claire Welford for Caleb Leeke 177 (ShH); Colin Monson 254 (ShH); Mark Wardlaw 344t (ShH); Ed Johnson-Williams 186 (ShH); Benny Ross 246t (ShH); Anne Altringham 114 (ShH); Claire Welford 115 (ShH); Benny Ross for Lin James 13t (ShH); Jan Geerts 199 (ShH); Karen Turner 404t (ShH); Phil Tyler for Helen Barber 312 (ShH); Phil Tyler 15 (ShH); Joel Wallenberg 418b (ShH); Conor Murray 403 (ShH); Margaret Bradshaw 88 (ShH).


Leaders: Calum Parker 9b (ShH); Colin Monson 310 (ShH); Benny Ross 205 (ShH); Ed Johnson-Williams 77 (ShH); Erin Johnson-Williams 333 (ShH); Anne Altringham 146 (ShH); Claire Welford 288t (ShH); Benny Ross for Lin James 147 (ShH); Jan Geerts 457 (ShH); Karen Turner and Anne Altringham 76t (ShH); Helen Barber 230 (ShH); Phil Tyler 5b (ShH); Joel Wallenberg 12b (ShH); Margaret Bradshaw 265 (ShH).

The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Claire Welford, who then led 1b (ShH)as a closing song.

Chairman—Claire Welford; Secretary—Lin James