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Potomac River Singing Convention

Lacey Woods Park, Arlington, Virginia

Saturday, April 1, 2023

The 32nd annual Potomac River Singing Convention was held at Lacey Woods Park, Arlington, Virginia, on Saturday before the first Sunday in April. Song selections were from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition and The Shenandoah Harmony. The class was called to order by Leyland delRe leading 105 (ShH).

In a business meeting, the following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Topher Lawton; Vice Chairman—Alexa Silverman; Treasurer—Lucas Husted; Secretary—Bridget Jamison; Chaplain—Kelly Hughes, Arranging—Kelly Macklin. Topher Lawton led 162 (ShH). Kelly Hughes offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Jim Glaser 127 (ShH); John delRe 313 (ShH); Jim Strube 5t (ShH); Jacob Hamidi 266 (ShH); Shea Hendren and Mona Lewandoski 276; Br. Jeremiah Tobin 535; John delRe 38b; Thomas Ward 28b (ShH); Mona Lewandoski 48 (ShH); Cherilyn Neilson 17 (ShH); Alexa Silverman 422 (ShH); Bridget Jamison 213t; Madeline Senger 472; Maria Cramer 187 (ShH); Jennifer Glenister and Maria Cramer 268; Kathy Manning 424b (ShH); Barbara Barry 506; Nina Burris 148.


The class was called back to order by Maria Cramer leading 108 (ShH). Leaders: Adrienne Robertson 169 (ShH); Sierra Magee and Nora Miller 296 (ShH); John Morriberon 146; Judy Getrich and John Morriberon 270; Joni Seidenstein and Br. Finbar 195; Leyland delRe, Benjamin Hartland, Amira, and Theo 120t (ShH); Doron Henkin 336; Kyle Johnston 420t (ShH); Adrian Mariano 372; Nora Miller 217.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Alexa Silverman and Topher Lawton. Topher Lawton read the following names of the sick and shut-ins: Ethel Strube and Tim Slattery.

Alexa Silverman read the following list of names of the deceased: Graham DeZarn—Virginia, Ted Mercer—Illinois, Mary Wright—Virginia, Les Updike—Virginia, Lydia Lewallen—North Carolina, Cheryl Foreman—Texas, Paul Dunn—New York, Charlotte Powell—Texas, Philip Denney—Georgia. She led 178 for them.

Leaders: Kelly Macklin 294 (ShH); Brenda Dunlap 87 (ShH); Mary Helen Dupree 78 (ShH); Lucas Husted 543; Corinne Ducey 99; Corinne Serfass 278 (ShH); Julia Seidenstein 179; Eli Batson 168; Susan Green 157; Topher Lawton 306 (ShH); Thomas Ward 140t (ShH); Jacob Hamidi 73t; John delRe 180 (ShH); Don Fahey and Adrienne Robertson 221 (ShH); Jim Glaser 569t. Kelly Hughes offered a blessing for lunch.


The class was called back to order by Corinne Serfass leading 70t (ShH). Leaders: Shea Hendren 186; Eric Ames and Alexa Silverman 277; Jim Strube 236; Mona Lewandoski 413 (ShH); Cherilyn Neilson 423 (ShH); Alexa Silverman 335; Lindsey Falbo 122; Madeline Senger 551; Bridget Jamison 320; Jennifer Glenister and Nora Miller 386; Brenda Dunlap 80t; Kathy Manning 242 (ShH); Maria Cramer 216; Doron Henkin 414b (ShH); Nina Burris 209; Adrienne Robertson 429 (ShH); Corinne Serfass 193 (ShH); Barbara Barry 159; Leyland delRe 440 (ShH); Emily Hancock 162; Judy Getrich 546; Joni Seidenstein 254 (ShH); Julia Seidenstein 457 (ShH); Lucas Husted 227.


The class was called back to order by Kyle Johnston leading 3b (ShH). Leaders: Eli Batson 500; Nora Miller 192; Jacob Hamidi 445; Kelly Macklin 274 (ShH); Adrian Mariano 364b (ShH); Mary Helen Dupree 334 (ShH); Kelly Hughes and Jacob Hamidi 260t (ShH); Kyle Johnston 197 (ShH); Corinne Ducey and Lucas Husted 114 (ShH); Topher Lawton 9b (ShH).

Topher Lawton thanked the officers and volunteers. Announcements were made. The 33rd annual Potomac River Singing Convention will be held on the first weekend in April, 2024.

Topher Lawton led 53 (ShH) as the closing song. Kelly Hughes led the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Topher Lawton; Vice Chairman—Alexa Silverman; Secretaries—Bridget Jamison and Nina Burris