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W.L. Green Memorial and Baldwin County
Sacred Harp Convention (Cooper Book)

Galilee Primitive Baptist Church, Stapleton, Alabama

January 21-22, 2023

Saturday, January 21

The W.L. “Bill” Green Memorial and Baldwin County Sacred Harp Convention was held on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in January. Bill Hogan called the class to order by leading 101t. He then gave a warm welcome to all in attendance.

Leaders: Nate Green and Rodney Ivey 418, 30t; Nancy Hogan 171; Mary Amelia Taylor 411; Gary Padgett 494; Tim Royoppa 101b; John Kelley 63; Rodney Ivey and Nate Green 380t (in memory of Bill Green); Tim Taylor 54t; Regina Derstine and Todd Derstine 152; Kevin Dyess 559; Russ Scholz 283; Charlotte Naylor 155; Wayne Jones 513b; Anne Royappa 370; Ken Kelley 464; Tony Mozingo and Ken Kelley 505; Barbara Jones 277.


Bill Hogan and Stephen Ross brought the class back to order by leading 146. Leaders: Perry Keidel 107; Crystal Menas 572; Deana Autry 406; Will Kelley 392; Henry McGuire 567; Nancy Van Den Akker 573; Scott Ivey 416t; Will Menas 438t; Ateven Snderson 438b; Morgan Bunch 504; Joshua Mccoy 282 (in memory of Linda and Danny Mccoy); Jamey Wootten 29b; Mary Huffman 29t; Russ Scholz 87; Mary Amelia Taylor 242; Tim Royappa 74b; John Kelley 82; Tim Taylor 131t; Charlotte Naylor 348t; Ken Kelley 404; Anne Royappa 383; Deana Autry 100; Perry Keidel 587. The class sang 369 and Bill Hogan offered a brief prayer with the class joining with the Lord’s

Prayer before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Bill Hogan leading 212. Leaders: Nancy Van Den Akker 361; Wayne Jones 395b; Will Menas 463; Ateven Snderson 408; Morgan Bunch 514; Barbara Jones 140; Joshua McCoy 293b; Nate Green and Rodney Ivey 141, 96; Mary Huffman 422b; Gary Padgett 278b; Regina Derstine and Todd Derstine 98; Kevin Dyess 132; Crystal Menas and Linda Johnson 72; Henry McGuire 511t; Scott Ivey 444t; Jamey Wootten 515.


Leaders: Bill Hogan and Bill Bragwell 478; Deana Autry and Kevin Dyess 65; Michael Johnson and Perry Keidel 323b; Becky Briggs 61. Announcements were made. Bill Hogan announced that this would be his last year as chairman of the convention, and that Mary Amelia Taylor will assume the role of chairperson beginning in 2024.

Bill Hogan, Nancy Hogan, Nate Green, and Mary Amelia Taylor led 520 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Elder Michael Johnson, Pastor of Galilee Primitive Baptist Church.

Sunday, January 22

The Sunday session of the W.L. Green Memorial and Baldwin County Convention was called to order by Bill Hogan leading 210. The opening prayer was offered by Todd Derstine.

Leaders: Nate Green 381t; Rodney Ivey 571, 138t; Nancy Hogan 95b, 84; Tim Jones 31b, 553; Henry McGuire 540, 411; Scott Ivey 443, 398b.


Bill Hogan brought the class back together leading 588 and 280. Leaders: Deana Autry 376, 38t; Will McGuire 162, 400, 48t; Jamey Wootten 32t, 111t.

The memorial committee was recognized to present the memorial lesson. Rodney Ivey expressed how important it is to remember the sick and shut-ins, stressing how much a phone call or a card will do to cheer a soul. The names of those on the sick and shut-ins list were read aloud: Lloyd Jones, Loyd Ivey, Norma Green, Marlon Wootten, Tommie Spurlock, Billy Kelley, and Kennon Smith. He led 465.

Bill Hogan spoke of singing families in our area who have been promoted to the church eternal. The following list of names of the deceased was read aloud: Wilburn Ellison, Milton Thrash, Juanita Beasley, Jerry Capps, Velton Chafin, Renae Makris, Coy Ivey, Joan Aldridge, Bill Windom, Margaret Spurlock, Bill Stewart, Loretta Jones, Ken Sundberg, and Jewel Wootten—Alabama; Sue Bunch, Ernest Cockcroft, and Chris Briggs—Florida; Charlotte Powell, Landis Powell, and Curtis Owen—Texas; Rebecca Over—United Kingdom; Jubal Schultz—Missouri. Bill led 73t in memory of the deceased. The memorial service was closed in prayer by Todd Derstine.

Singing continued with the following leaders: Gary Padgett 108t, 224; Regina Derstine and Todd Derstine 361, 95t; Charlie McGuire 399, 291; Morgan Bunch 268b (in memory of Sue Bunch); Rodney Ivey 123b; Henry McGuire 78; Tim Jones 49b; Nancy Hogan 49t, 277; Scott Ivey 292b; Deana Autry 290, 135; Will McGuire 309. The class sang 369; Nancy Hogan asked a blessing before the meal.


Bill Hogan led 59 as the closing song. Tim Jones offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Bill Hogan; Vice Chairpersons—Nate Green and Mary Amelia Taylor; Secretary—Nancy Hogan