Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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New Year’s Day Singing

Holy Trinity Church, Mapperley, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Sunday, January 1, 2023

The class was called to order by Helen Brown leading 30t (CB). Dave Steggles offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Joe Vickers 265b (CB); Hannah Land 52t; Chris Brown 133 (CB); Ian West 105; Kate Kirwan 73t; Mark Wardlaw 507b (CB); Erin Johnson-Williams 54t (CB); Matthew Parkinson 541 (CB); Sarah West 380b (CB); Ed Johnson-Williams 48t (CB); Bridget McVennon-Morgan 210 (CB); Richard Mayers 382 (CB); Vicki Elliott 377; Julie Russell 155; Calum Woods 163b (CB); Hannah Land 38t (CB); Chris Brown 95b (CB); Ian West 98 (CB). Grace for the mid-day meal was offered by Jonathan Stanyan.


Joe Vickers called the class back together by leading 187 (CB). Leaders: Vicki Elliott 39 (CB); Bridget McVennon-Morgan 336t (CB); Mark Wardlaw 522 (CB); Kate Kirwan 150 (CB); Sarah West 140 (CB); Richard Mayers 156 (CB); Matthew Parkinson 497 (CB); Helen Brown 505 (CB); Calum Woods 515 (CB); Erin Johnson-Williams 518 (CB); Julie Russell 178; Hannah Land 488 (CB); Mark Wardlaw 368t (CB); Ian West 500 (CB); Kate Kirwan 380t (CB); Chris Brown 134; Bridget McVennon-Morgan 514 (CB). A formal memorial lesson was not held, but the following were named and remembered: Charlotte Powell and Landis Powell-Texas; Ted Mercer-Illinois; Mary Ceresa-Michigan; David Thorpe, Jill Paton-Williams, Pat Lucy, Janet MacDonald, Marion Smalley, James Isam, Joan Jouan, and Martin Williams. The list of names of the sick and housebound as follow: Di Elliott, Dave Elliott, Karen Turner, Cath Tyler, Al Atkinson, and Seth Dickens.


Sarah West called the class back to order leading 452. Leaders: Vicki Elliott 114; Richard Mayers 391 (CB); Ed Johnson-Williams 35 (CB); Julie Russell 33b; Joe Vickers 533 (CB); Helen Brown 511t (CB); Kate Kirwan 500; Calum Woods 506 (CB); Erin Johnson-Williams 176b (CB); Mark Wardlaw 114b (CB); Bridget McVennon-Morgan 292b (CB).

Helen Brown led 347 as the closing song, and Richard Mayers dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Helen Brown; Vice Chairman—Ted Brown; Secretary—Margaret Gillanders