Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Christmas Harp Singing

The Evergreen State College, Organic Farmhouse,
Olympia, Washington

Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Christmas Harp Singing was held in Olympia, Washington. The two books used during the singing were The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition and The American Christmas Harp.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairwoman—Marla Elliott; Secretary—Jenna Tompkins; Chaplain—Rosie Sokolov.

The class was called to order by Marla Elliott leading 46. Leaders: Miranda Elliott-Rader 1 (ACH); Ian Suchon 84 (ACH), 81 (ACH); Alex Short 107; Susan Helf 90 (ACH), 92 (ACH); Sophia Schinske 29 (ACH), 28 (ACH); John Berendzen 77 (ACH), 88 (ACH); Carrie Walker 338, 542; Ruth Linehan 86 (ACH), 78 (ACH); Sara Ng 63 (ACH); Kevin Barrans 43 (ACH), 96 (ACH); Bob Schinske 122 (ACH), 114 (ACH); Anne Huckins 69 (ACH); Nicole Scott 24 (ACH), 25 (ACH); Doug Hill 538; Kate Fine 126 (ACH); Peter Schinske 41 (ACH), 19 (ACH); Carol Medlicott 99; Chris Noren 46 (ACH), 48 (ACH).


Leaders: Marla Elliott 430; Nancy Price 31t; Rosie Sokolov 62 (ACH), 38 (ACH); Carrie Walker 73t; Jenna Tompkins 113 (ACH), 117 (ACH); Jennifer Jones 85 (ACH), 61 (ACH); Erik Schwab 8 (ACH), 56 (ACH); Leland Ross “Hawaii/O Kou Aloha No”; Karen Willard 111 (ACH), 110 (ACH); Esther Morgan-Ellis 124 (ACH), 70 (ACH); Thom Fahrbach 74 (ACH), 107 (ACH); Anne Huckins 89 (ACH), 31 (ACH); Betsy Jeronen 546; Kristofer Ilex 319, 159; Ian Suchon 104 (ACH), 10 (ACH).


Leaders: Marla Elliott 178; Bob Schinske 391; John Berendzen 73b; Sara Ng 454; Rosie Sokolov 396; Nancy Price 146; Kevin Barrans 102 (ACH); Peter Schinske 9 (ACH); Chris Noren 82 (ACH); Doug Hill 116 (ACH), 474; Ruth Linehan 58 (ACH); Erik Schwab 100 (ACH); Jennifer Jones 475; Carol Medlicott 312b; Thom Fahrbach 73 (ACH); Karen Willard 129 (ACH); Carrie Walker 452; Esther Morgan-Ellis 113; Kristofer Ilex 535.

Marla Elliott led 162 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed.

Chairwoman—Marla Elliott; Secretary—Jenna Tompkins