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Mt. Rainier Singing and
Willard Birthday Singing Combined

Willard/Hallock Home, Buckley, Washington

Saturday, August 14, 2021

The 12th Mt. Rainier Singing and 10th Willard Birthday Singing were called to order by Kathy Vlach and Karen Willard. They led “Opening Song” from the Willard Hymnary. Darlene Simpson Brown offered the opening prayer.

The following slate of officers was offered and approved: Co-Chairpersons—Karen Willard and Kathy Vlach; Secretary—Kate Fine; Treasurer—Karen Willard; Chaplain—Darlene Simpson Brown; Arranger—Kate Coxon.

The two separate singings generally held on Saturday before the third Sunday in August and the third Sunday in August respectively were combined into one and the event was held outdoors due to Covid 19.

Both the B.F. White Sacred Harp, Cooper Revision, and the Willard Hymnary were used.

Leaders: Karen Willard 81 (CB) (dedicated to Mother Felicitas); Darlene Simpson Brown 581b (CB) (for her late husband, Joseph Brown, and for her late father); Kathy Vlach 391 (CB); Kate Fine 515 (CB); Bob Schinske 101t (CB); Shannon McGuire 268b (CB); Cornelia Stanton 573 (CB); Laura McMurray 273 (CB); Peter Schinske “Homeward Bound” (WH); Aisha Morgan 333 (CB); Kevin Barrans 411 (CB); Anne Huckins 31t (CB); Jenna Tompkins “The Golden Morning” (WH); Nell Whitman 156 (CB); Marla Elliott 77t (CB); David Wright 30t (CB); Erik Schwab “Ellacombe” (WH); Kate Coxon 567 (CB); Bob Schinske 448 (CB); Kate Fine “Seeking the Lost” (WH); Anne Huckins 587 (CB); Cornelia Stanton 559 (CB); David Wright 580 (CB); Shannon McGuire 142 (CB); Marla Elliott 444t (CB); Aisha Morgan “Leoni” (WH); Karen Willard “Count Your Blessings” (WH); Laura McMurray 210 (CB); Jenna Tompkins “At the Cross” (WH); Nell Whitman 505 (CB); Erik Schwab “Abide with Me” (WH). Darlene Simpson Brown asked the blessing.


The class was called back to order by Kathy Vlach leading 478 (CB). Leaders: Kate Coxon 380t (CB); Kevin Barrans 524 (CB); June Thomasson 132 (CB); Peter Schinske “Tallis’ Canon” (WH); Doug Hill 390 (CB); Darlene Simpson Brown “Sweet Hour of Prayer” (WH); Rosie Sokolov 76t (CB); Erik Schwab 98 (CB); Jenna Tompkins 338 (CB); Cornelia Stanton 96 (CB); Bob Schinske “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder” (WH); Kate Fine 574 (CB); Marla Elliott 239 (CB); Laura McMurray 497 (CB); Nell Whitman 575 (CB).


The class was called back to order by Karen Willard leading “Where We’ll Never Grow Old” (WH). Leaders: Anne Huckins 129 (CB); David Wright 373 (CB); Shannon McGuire 342 (CB); Aisha Morgan 381t (CB); Kevin Barrans 464 (CB); Rosie Sokolov 133 (CB); Kate Coxon 269 (CB); Peter Schinske 449 (CB); Doug Hill 425 (CB); Nell Whitman 288 (CB); Laura McMurray 138b (CB); Cornelia Stanton 336t (CB).


The class was called back to order by Bob Schinske leading 46 (CB). Leaders: Darlene Simpson Brown 195 (CB); Doug Hill 361 (CB); Kate Fine 501 (CB); Marla Elliot 463 (CB) (for her cousins Roger McNeill, Ben & Deanna Judson, Terri & Rick Wiese); David Wright 486 (CB); Rosie Sokolov 318 (CB); Peter Schinske 518 (CB); Kevin Barrans 95 (CB); Bob Schinske “Fairest Lord Jesus” (WH) (for Caroline Helmeczi).

Karen Willard made brief announcements, and gave thanks to all who helped and all who attended. Kathy Vlach and Karen Willard led “Closing Song” (WH). The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Darlene Simpson Brown.

Co-Chairpersons—Karen Willard and Kathy Vlach; Secretary—Kate Fine