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West Yorkshire Sacred Harp Day

Haworth Methodist Church, Haworth,
West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Saturday, November 17, 2018

The 16th annual West Yorkshire Sacred Harp Day was held at Haworth Methodist Church, in the United Kingdom, on Saturday before the third Sunday in November. Chris Brown began the day by leading 31b. Karen Turner offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Chris Brown 77t; Jan Geerts 38t; Richard Mayers 350; Vicki Elliott 171; Eimear O’Donovan 81t; Calum Woods 81b; Josh Lant 131t; Karen Turner 313t; Michael Walker 418; Colin Monson 36t; Liz Lawson 503; Helen Brown and Chris Brown 234; Claire Welford 474; Sam Carter 95; Aldo Ceresa 349; Lin James 73t; Erin Johnson-Williams 475; Teresa Maguire 30b.


Derek Buckland called the class to order leading 278b. Leaders: Guy Naisby 268; Joyce Smith 410t; Calum Parker 106; Hannah Land 391; Ted Brown 546; Judy Whiting 105; Matthew Mason 339; Tom Sprackland 276; Sue Gibson and Joe Vickers 38b; Ed Johnson-Williams 448b.

Richard Mayers conducted the memorial lesson and read the following list of names of the deceased: Rollo Woods of Swanage; Harry Cowking of Goodshaw; Janet Winstanley of Bolton; Steve Harrison of Slaithwaite; Susan Carr of Leeds; Rev Michael Pain of Dorchester; Bob Patten of Morchard Bishop; Ben Thompson and Elspeth Murray of Paisley; Rob Pickard and Gillian Tolfrey of Newcastle; Joyce Farrell of Derby; Ray Stickley of Nottingham; Toby Boyes of Market Weighton; Kit Yip of Cheshire; John Hayto of Leicester; Darrell Swarens—Indiana, USA; Steve Helwig—Oregon, USA; Stuart Tanner—USA; Louise Holland and Ruth Ayers—Georgia, USA; Daphene Causey, Glenda Hopper, and Barbara Isbell—Alabama, USA; Barbara Willard and Rodney Willard—Arizona, USA; Greg Hodnett—Pennsylvania, USA; Mary Ellen Schrock and Michael Kaye—New York, USA; Elizabeth Rechenberg and James B. Walker—Ohio, USA.

He also spoke for the following sick and housebound: Don Walker, Charlotte Walker, Curtis Owen, Melanie Hauff, John Hopkinson, Phillip Ralls, Brenda Bennett, Charlene Wallace, David Elliott, Eugene Forbes, Tim Gregg, Adrian Eldridge, Jean Foster, and Roy Bailey. Richard led 65, and said a prayer for them all.

Leaders: Benny Ross 285t; Joan Gordon 47b; Simon Dumpleton 354t; Helen Peake 294; Ben Fink 200; Lizzie Dye 523. Lin James gave thanks for the noon meal.


Claire Welford called the class to order with 270; Leaders: George Simms 528; Vikki Elliott 217; Jan Geerts 182; Joe Vickers 422; Calum Woods 298; Karen Turner 362; Callum Parker 173; Hannah Land 507; Michael Walker 306; Erin Johnson-Williams 460; Helen Brown 522; Tom Sprackland 344; Eimear O’Donovan 384; Aldo Ceresa 532; Rosalind Woods 269; Ben Fink 417; Josh Lant 419; Lin James 319; Matthew Mason 284; Ann Altringham 425; Guy Hayes 358.


Aldo Ceresa called the class to order with 114. Leaders: Jan Geerts 178; Liz Lawson 157; George Simms 566; Lizzie Dye 547; Simon Dumpleton 569b; Helen Peake 228; Sam Carter 215; Joyce Smith 163t; Ed Johnson-Williams 539; Rosalind Woods 472; Joe Vickers 43; Teresa Maguire 42; Ted Brown 129; Ben Fink 455; Guy Hayes 365; Michael Walker 134; Joan Gordon 86; Derek Buckland 429; Calum Parker 287; Benny Ross 389; Richard Mayers 515.

Chris Brown gave thanks for the clement weather. He thanked the church for permission to use the wonderful singing space, and all who attended and helped. It was agreed to meet again on Saturday before the third Sunday in November, 2019.

Chris Brown and Judy Whiting led 323t as the closing song. Michael Walker offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Chris Brown; Vice Chairman—Judy Whiting; Secretary—Margaret Gillanders