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South Georgia Sacred Harp Singing Convention

Liberty Hill Community House, Barnesville, Georgia

Sunday, October 7, 2018

The 99th session of the South Georgia Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held on the first Sunday in October. President John Plunkett called the class to order leading 52t. Bill Hollingsworth offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: John Plunkett 77b (for Charlene Wallace); Oscar McGuire 34b, 77t; Lauren Bock 32b, 74t; Helen Bryson 467, 505; Bill Hollingsworth 489, 50b; Judy Chambless 269, 454; Nathan Rees 492, 413; Sandra Wilkinson 91, 129; Bentley McGuire 56b, 198; Winfred Kerr 521, 516. The President appointed Andy Ditzler and Robert Kelley to serve as the Nominating Committee.


Oscar McGuire called the class back to order by leading 145t. Leaders: David Brodeur 378b, 399b; Ryan Nash 112, 340; Rebecca Over 326, 383; Robert Chambless 317, 39b.

A motion carried to enter into a business session wherein the class accepted the Nominating Committee’s recommendation to elect the following officers: President—Oscar McGuire; Vice President—Sandra Wilkinson; Secretaries—Lauren Bock and Jesse P. Karlsberg; Treasurer—Helen Bryson; Chaplain—Judy Chambless. John Plunkett called for letters from delegates and visitors and petitions for annual singings. The class reviewed and accepted a list of singings to be printed in the convention’s directory. John Plunkett called for correspondence from sister associations. Helen Bryson presented the Treasurer’s report for 2017-2018, which the class approved. The business session was closed.

Leaders: Andy Ditzler 147t, 174; Robert Kelley 124, 136. Judy Chambless offered grace over the noon meal.


John Plunkett and Alpha Watson opened the afternoon session leading 88t. Leaders: John Hollingsworth 176t, 186; Elinor Mullis 354b; Marquela Stevenson 178, 58; Jesse P. Karlsberg 79 (for Charlene Wallace), 94 (for Mary Brownlee, Rosemund Watson, and Martha Harrell); Rita Haley 268, 63.

Rebecca Over conducted the memorial lesson, leading 68b for the following sick and shut-ins: Charlene Wallace, Velton Chafin, Pat Ditzler, Melanie Hauff, Ann Jett, and Norma Mincey. Rebecca Over led 381 in memory of the following deceased: Florice Akin, Ruth Ayers, Audrey Ruth Garner, Charles Grant, Louise Holland, Allan Lambert, Wawena Entrekin Miles, and Agnes Roberts—Georgia; Daphene Causey and Hollis Gentry—Alabama; Darrell Swarens—Indiana; Steve Helwig—Oregon; Barbara Lain—Virginia; Susan Carr—United Kingdom. Judy Chambless closed the memorial service with prayer.

Leaders: Oscar McGuire 171; Lauren Bock, Jesse P. Karlsberg, and Lucey Rose Karlsberg 556; Robert Chambless 225t; Ryan Nash 272; Nathan Rees 182; Rebecca Over 569t; Bill Hollingsworth 354t; Winfred Kerr 89; Andy Ditzler and David Brodeur 382; Robert Kelley 539; Marquela Stevenson and Gina Barnes 335.

Announcements were made. John Plunkett led 323t as the closing song. Judy Chambless offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

President—John Plunkett; Vice President—Oscar McGuire; Secretary—Lauren Bock