Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Tennessee State Convention

Second Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee

October 11-12, 1997

Saturday night, October 11

Singing is in Cooper Book. No minutes were recorded.

Sunday, October 12

The third annual Tennessee State Singing Convention was held at Second Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee on the second Sunday and Saturday before in October. The Sunday singing was called to order by Chairman Tim Reynolds leading song on page 34b. The morning prayer was led by Clayton Ezell.

Leaders: Tim Reynolds 39t; Clayton Ezell 278t, 300, 480; Gordon Wilkerson 170, 171; Melissa Allured 347, 147t; Elvin Guthrie 147b, 391, 566; Michelle Cull 339, 178, 141; Cecil Sanders 225t; Ann Jett 495, 448b, 40; David Roberson 340, 220; Keterina Sanders 290, 454.


The class was called to order by Thurman Nall leading songs on pages 276 and 285t. Leaders: Flarce Creel 299, 475; Henry Guthery 101t, 100; Marie Guthrie 192, 434; Harrison Creel 530, 111b; Eldagene Roberson 203, 215; Milton Oliver 321, 206; Margie Norwood 119, 452b; Brenda Waters 209, 354b; Lomax Ballinger 565, 168; Wanda Capps 546, 222; Sherry Guthery 58, 64; O. C. Thomas 122, 445.


The class was called to order by Chairman Tim Reynolds leading songs on pages 515 and 189. Leaders: Lora Cargo 498, 460, 269; Clay Mattox 378t, 59; Marilyn Burchett 294, 324; Sandi Scott 117, 38b; Laris Ezell 45t, 358; Scotty Guthery and Charity Guthery 72b, 49t, 108; Marie Aldridge 336, 217, 436; Judge Otis Knippers “Not Made With Hands”; Diane Ezell 137; Debra Sides 84, 73b; Anita Shadix 235, 551; Henry Cobb 37b, 47b; Thurman Nall 503; Harrison Creel 342; John Giles 112, 144; Henry Guthery 149. Tim Reynolds led song on page 312b for the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer led by Harrison Creel.

Chairman—Tim Reynolds; Vice Chairman—Gordon Wilkerson; Secretary—Wanda Capps.