Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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John Etheridge Singing/Winston Jones and
Doss Bryan Memorial (Cooper Book)

Valley Grove Primitive Baptist Church, Opp, Alabama

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The annual John Etheridge Singing in memory of Winston Jones and Doss Bryan was held on Saturday before the second Sunday in March at Valley Grove Primitive Baptist Church near Opp, Alabama. Wayne Jones called the class to order by leading 225t. He welcomed everyone, and thanked all for coming. He then led 36b. Gary Padgett offered the opening prayer.

Larry Shaw directed the introductory lesson leading 63, 505, and 553. Leaders: Tim Jones 461; Ezra Eddins 146, 77t; Gary Padgett 346, 532; Eric Eddins 29t, 76b; Rodney Ivey 571, 380t; Vicki Aplin 516.


Tim Jones called the class back together by leading 120. Leaders: Alice Sundberg 31t, 210; Aubrey Barfield 192, 298; Mike Jones 385t; Kennon Smith 189, 293b; Cassie Allen 514, 355; Loretta Jones 138t, 384; Tommie Spurlock 137; Tommie Spurlock and Evie Eddins 112.


Wayne Jones led 464 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Ann Jett 54t, 515; Breanne Jones 73t, 264b; Kevin Eddins 300, 89; Wayne Jones 369. Kennon Smith asked a blessing on the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with the class singing 96. Leaders: Evie Eddins 50t, 297; Janet King 497, 148; Ethan Eddins 33; Shane Brown 507b, 49b; Edith Eddins 356, 30b; Ken Sundberg 128, 471; Geoffrey Brooks 132, 277; Nathan Webb 463, 31b; Dewayne Hawthorne 398b, 29b, 436b (by request); Lloyd Jones 45t, 465; Eli Eddins 408 (by request), 77b; Rodney Ivey 559 (by request).

Wayne Jones and Shane Brown led 47b as the closing song. Shane Brown offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Wayne Jones; Vice Chairman—Tim Jones; Secretary—Evie Eddins