Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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East Texas Sacred Harp Singing Convention (Cooper Book)

Henderson Community Center, Henderson, Texas

August 9-10, 1997

Saturday, August 9

The one hundred twenty-ninth session of the East Texas Sacred Harp Singing Convention met at the Henderson Community Center in Henderson, Texas, and was called to order by John Morris leading song on page 29b. The morning prayer was led by George Conway. Leaders: Emmie Morris 171; Marion Grant 434; Joe Nelson 384; Bob McLenore 58; J. C. Rutledge 501; Myrl Jones 183; Liz Rogan 215; Amanda Joachen 129; Bill Ellison 29t; Mike Jones 225t; Aubrey Barfield 497; Stanley Smith 120; Myra Palmer 414; Krystle Hale 404; Phyllis Costner 222; Tommie Spurlock 217; Dan Brittain 214; Jeb Owen 559; Richard Hale 475; Lisa Webb 148; Nathan Sarvis 328; Cassie Franklin 392; Ophelia Matthews 365; Richard DeLong 98.


A welcome to all the visitors was given by George Conway. Leaders: Jeb Owen 31t; H. P. O’Mary 335; Louis G. Hughes 398b; Beverly Coates 552; Ted Mercer 61; Ernestine Pipkin 368b; Ann Milner 220; Diane Ross 299; Elisia Smith and Shannon Smith 85; Hershell King 343; Sheri Taylor 571; Avon Miller 482; Sherrie Smith 282; Julianna Jett 146; Baron Powers 239; Chris Blevins 163t; S. T. Reed 54t; Dale Redmon, Jr. 507b; Thurman Nall 38t; A. P. Albers 268b; Bill Mosley 336t; A.A. Smith, Jr. 53. The blessing of the food for lunch was offered by Harrison Creel.


The afternoon session began with Judge Donald Ross leading song on page 330t. Leaders: Harold Hill 203; John Kanode 505; Calla Ringenberg 49t; Louie Smith 172; Josh Rogan 189; J. A. Mosley 572; John Beard 290; Margaret Spurlock 108b; Leon Ballinger 137; Alice Mosley 484; Troxel Ballou 427; M. H. Creel 355; Kelly Beard 379; Leola Smith 185; Vivian Rogan 32t; Mona Short 229; Victoria Aplin 411; Coy Ivey and Adrianne Bonham 99.


The last evening session was opened by Gaylon Powell leading song on page 196. Leaders: Ann Jett 573; Reed Coates 508; Ronald Baker 108t; Tom Owen 336b; Bill Aplin 567; Amanda Owen 371; Flarce Creel 39; Curtis Owen 198; Jennifer Rogan 348t; Edith Owen 47t; Gary Rogan 511b; Sarah Coates 142; Leland Owen 285t; James Mosley 293b; Stanley Smith 512.

The class was dismissed with prayer led by Tom Owen.

Sunday, August 10

The Sunday morning session began with John Morris leading song on page 558b. The morning prayer was led by Bruce Coates. Leaders: Barbara Moore 165; Joseph Stang 559; Doris Hanks 422b; Kevin Powell 419; Mike Mosley 442t; Mary Oruc 112; Michelle Rogan 522; Katie Mosley 406; B. E. Matthews 414; Mary Bachmann, her composition; David Mosley 189; Ted Mercer 436; Tom Owen 242; Richard DeLong 433; Gaylon Powell 304; Reed Coates 408; Curtis K. Owen 489; Myrl Jones 142; J. C. Rutledge 478; Josh Rogan 168; Richard Hale 401; Krystal Hale 404; Bill Ellason 63.


The class resumed singing with Kevin Powell leading song on page 300. Leaders: Mike Jones 395b; Amanda Joachin 129; Bill Aplin 466; Jeb Owen 182; M. H. Creel 381t; Donald Ross 95; Tommie Spurlock 574; Thurman Nall 563; Hershell King 204; Aubrey Barfield 140; Leola Smith 553; Julianna Jett 87; S. T. Reed 569; Cassie Franklin 192; Victoria Aplin 337; Ann Jett 503; Louis G. Hughes 89; Coy Ivey 207.

The Memorial Committee which was appointed by the Chairman, John Morris, was composed of: Mary Craig, Diane Ross, and David Rousseau. Diane Ross read the names of those deceased since our last meeting in 1996: Christine Moreland, Hubbard Barlow, Julian Jones, Elva Wylie, Forrest Brooks, Dr. Marsha Evans, Ray Barnett, and James Cranfield—Texas; Buddy Tindal, Myrl Ethridge, Ernest Phillips, Howard Bynum, Hazel Cagle, Jimmy Causey, Elder Bernard Moon, Unie B. Howard, Barrett Ashley, Buck Aaron, Carrie Graves, and Ed Latham—Alabama. As Diane Ross read the names, those friends and loved ones of each one named were asked to stand. Mary Craig gave the devotional, and Diane Ross led song on page 312. Sarah Coates led 45. B. E. Matthews closed the memorial with prayer, and asked the blessing on the food.


The afternoon session began with the following leaders called: David Rousseau 179; Louie Smith 217; Alice Mosley 127; Myra Palmer 497; Sue Utz 507b; Vivian Rogan 72; A.A. Smith, Jr. 67; Edith Owen 410; Ophelia Matthews 384; Phyllis Costner 212; Tammy Koonce 393t; Beverly Coates 36b; John Kanode 229; Bruce Coates 145b; Anne Milner 276; Amanda Owen 155; Dale Redmon, Jr. 514; Diane Ross 434; Gary Rogan 324; Sarah Coates 186; Leland Owen 47b; James Mosley 378; Jennifer Rogan 383; J. A. Mosley 542; Abbie Morris 220; David Mosley 40; Doris Hanks 450; Mike Mosley 290; Michelle Rogan 128; Katie Mosley 196; Kevin Powell 133.

Stanley Smith and Mary Bachmann led song on page 62 as the closing song. The closing prayer was led by Curtis Owen.

Co-Chairpersons—John Morris and Emmie Morris; Vice Chairman—Sam Craig; Secretary/Treasurer—Marion Grant.