Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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Tallahassee Singing (Cooper Book)
Tallahassee Museum, Tallahassee, Florida
Saturday, October 13, 2012
The 19th annual Tallahassee Singing was called to order by Alice Bejnar, who welcomed the class. Alice Bejnar and Morgan Bunch led 293b. Aubrey Barfield offered the opening prayer. Alice Bejnar and Morgan Bunch led 36b and 112. Ellen Gwynn led 76b and 335. Aubrey Barfield led 171, 497, and 186 as the introductory lesson.
Leaders: Mary Whitehurst 478, 121; Ken Kelley 491, 404; Lee Bradley 127, 128; Nancy Hogan 380b, 84.
Steven Taylor brought the class back to order leading 75. Alice Bejnar, Morgan Bunch, and Sonia Atkins led “What a Day That Will Be” (for Miss Pearl Bell, who is in hospice care). Leaders: Tor Bejnar 38b; Tommie Spurlock 99; Shannan Guinn 220; Ross Brand 567; Marvin Reeves 101t; Victoria Aplin 268t (for Margaret Spurlock); Jeffrey Forbes 31t; Bill Hogan 53; Beverly Dayton 553.
Ken Kelley brought the class back to order leading 32t. Leaders: Billy Kelley 100; Morgan Bunch and Alice Bejnar “Tallahassee”; Teresa Coates 463; Frank Strickland 486; Loretta Jones 138t; Stanley Smith 159; Chip Westbrook 398b. Morgan Bunch led 369, and Bill Hogan offered the blessing for the noon meal.
The afternoon session was called to order by Frank Strickland leading 96. Leaders: Steven Taylor 128, 82; Sue Bunch 148, 203; Lloyd Jones 45t, 465; Annie Reeves 511t, 516; Claudia Gunter 282, 264b; Bill Aplin 30b, 528b.
Tommie Spurlock brought the class back to order leading 112 and 183. Leaders: Sue Bunch and Morgan Bunch 274t (by request); Ross Brand, Elizabeth Firestone, Ashleigh Ivy, Bella Folmar, and Cecile 428, 376, 47b; Shannan Guinn 146; Jeffrey Forbes 132; Bill Hogan and Nancy Hogan 464; Teresa Coates 392.
Announcements were made. Alice Bejnar and Morgan Bunch led 95b as the closing song. Stanley Smith offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairperson—Alice Bejnar; Vice Chairman—Morgan Bunch; Secretaries—Sue Bunch and Ellen Gwynn