Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Willard Birthday Singing (Cooper Book)
Buckley Hall, Buckley, Washington
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The 1st annual Willard Birthday Singing was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Karen Willard and Kathy Vlach leading 171. Darlene Simpson-Brown offered the opening prayer. All songs called are from the Cooper Book except those from the Willard Hymnary, indicated by (WH) following the page number.
Leaders: Erik Schwab 14 (WH); Marcia Stedman 30t; Ken Hallock 336t; Linda Jweinat 293b; Cornelia Stanton 54t; Clarke Lee 447t; David Wright 507b; Jerry Schreiber 133; John Carlson and Martie Hoadley 518; Marilyn Murata 229; Reed Schilbach 99; Marcia Cutler 8 (WH); Kari Lundgren 571; Betty Marvin 27; Bruce Rowland 572; Anna Stoerch 10 (WH); Bill Walters 20 (WH); Greg Saue 4b (WH).
Karen Willard brought the class back together leading a birthday song honoring her mother Barbara Willard’s reaching 84 years of age. Leaders: Erika Wilson 4t (WH); Steve Helwig 485; Lucinda Saue 5 (WH); Johnny Lee 453b; Erika Wilson 210; Darlene Simpson-Brown 23 (WH); Bob Schinske 7 (WH); Julie Lee 129; Gaea Singer 492; Jack Lofton 76b; Katharine Hough 411; Daniel Allcock 110; Peter Schinske 239; Kathy Vlach 24 (WH); Susan Helf 450; Clarke Lee and Karen Willard 4t (WH); Clarke Lee and Johnny Lee 42. Darlene Simpson-Brown asked the blessing for the noon meal.
Kathy Vlach brought the afternoon session to order leading 49t. Leaders: Bob Schinske 428; Marcia Stedman 286t; Ken Hallock 65; Karen Willard 12 (WH); Carla Smith 417; Cornelia Stanton 28 (WH); David Wright 551; Jerry Schreiber 559; Erik Schwab 156; Bruce Rowland 335; Marilyn Murata 484; Kathy Vlach 30 (WH); Johnny Lee 95b; Bill Walters 20 (WH); Reed Schilbach 61; Solomon Ossa 123b; Anne Huckins 505; Lea Kouba 135; Linda Jweinat 488b.
Karen Willard brought the class back together leading 103. Leaders: Lucinda Saue 132; Betty Marvin 198; Anna Stoerch 513t; Greg Saue 38t; Erika Wilson 543; John Carlson 463; Darlene Simpson-Brown 292b; Jack Lofton 500; David Allcock 224; Julie Lee 100; Solomon Ossa 111b; Lea Kouba 155; Anne Huckins 98; Gaea Singer 108b; Clarke Lee 535t; Carla Smith 323t; Connie Stanton 55; Betty Marvin 26 (WH).
The class held a business session. The Treasurer, Jean Squires, reported that expenses had been met and thanked everyone for their generosity. The Arranging Committee reported that 75 songs had been led, with 50 singers registered overall. Announcements were made. The next Willard Birthday Singing will be held at Buckley Hall on the third Sunday of August, 2011.
Karen Willard and Kathy Vlach led “God Be With You” as the closing song as singers took the parting hand. Darlene Simpson-Brown offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Co-Chairmen—Karen Willard and Kathy Vlach; Secretary—Linda Jweinat