Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Jones Memorial Singing (Cooper Book)

Cool Springs Primitive Baptist Church, Opp, Alabama

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The annual Jones Memorial Singing was held on Saturday before the first Sunday in April at Cool Springs Primitive Baptist Church in Opp, Alabama. The class was called to order by Mike Jones leading 32t and 330t. Aubrey Barfield offered the opening prayer. The introductory lesson was led by Rodney Ivey singing 95b and 315.

Leaders: Velton Chafin 114b, 373; Victoria Aplin 421, 277; Morgan Bunch 68t, 524; Ross Brand 189, 73t; Lera Ellison 395b, 94; Don Clark 436b; Tim Jones 35, 293t; Janet King 148, 270; Nate Green and Norma Green 380t, 199; Bud Oliver 377t, 515.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Mike Jones, Vice Chairman—Wayne Jones, Secretary—Barbara Jones.


Mike Jones called the class back to order leading 36t. Leaders: Bridgett Hill 540; Nancy Hogan 84; Nancy Hogan and Mary Whitehurst 559; Bill Aplin 567, 466; J.A. Moseley and Alice Moseley 127, 484; Shane Wootten 416t, 464; Judy Caudle 411; Claudine Townsend and Shane Wootten 541; Aubrey Barfield 222, 200; Kennon Smith 196, 239; Christine Gandy 330t, 463.


The class was called to order by Mike Jones leading 68b. Leaders: Ken Kelley 442t, 404; Mary Whitehurst 440t, 450; Paul King 384; Wayne Jones and Connor Tillman 137; Learvene Bass 72, 74b; Brian Kelley 112, 86; Loretta Jones 47b; Billy Kelley 478, 497. The class sang 369 followed by a blessing of the noon meal by Tim Jones.


The afternoon session was called to order by Paul King leading 96. Leaders: Frank Strickland 486; Merlene Hughes 572; Edd Bass 520; John Merritt “Munfordville”; Ernestine Pipkin 331b; Bill Hogan 98; Paulette Chavers 447t; Russ Scholz 166; Joe Nall 461; Linda Westbrook 465; Ken Sundberg 59; Tommie Spurlock 183; Kathy Folsom 218; Ernie Cockcroft 447b; Margaret Spurlock 108b; Myrtle Richburg 299; Larry Shaw 229; Chip Westbrook 45t; Alice Sundberg 571; Stanley Smith 453t; Doris Jones and Tim Jones 285t; Waylon Cravey 505; Ford Bulger 511b.


Wayne Jones called the class to order leading 129. Leaders: Rhonda Harrison 573; Michael Jones 264b, 283t; Wilburn Ellison 133; Tammy Blue 516; Lloyd Jones 500; Brianne Jones 348t; children of Lonnie and Kate Jones 225t.

Announcements were made. Mike Jones led 331t as the closing song. Kennon Smith dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Mike Jones, Vice Chairman—Wayne Jones, Secretary—Barbara Jones