Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Chestnut Grove Baptist Church

Ider, Alabama

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The 81st session of the annual Chestnut Grove Sacred Harp singing was held on the second Sunday in October. Co-Chairpersons Loretta Smith and Amy Smith called the class to order at 10:00 a.m. leading 452. Pastor Steve Lea offered the morning prayer.

Loretta Smith and Amy Smith led 127. Leaders: Sarah Jenkins 101t; Jared Wootten 63; Bud Oliver 42, 421; S.T. Reed 152, 153; Michael Thompson 176b, 111b; Nathan Rees 37b, 404; Betty Wright 97, 503; Robert Walker 575 (CB), 572 (CB); Henry Johnson 435, 166; Jonathon Smith 56b, 203; Mark Brown 309, 137; Ed Thacker 172 (in memory of Elder Homer Benefield), 291.


The class was called to order. Leaders: Jeffrey Wootten 460, 276; Jason Wilks 138b; Terry Wootten 167; Karen Ivey 120; Terry Hullett 39t; David Ivey 48t; Susan Harcrow 335; Loretta Smith 505 (CB); Shawn Carroll and MacKenzie Carroll 28b; Jackson Harcrow 348b; Aaron Wootten 47t; Jackie Tanner 129.

Loretta Smith and Amy Smith conducted the memorial lesson and led 338 in memory of the following deceased: Art Holcomb, Flora Crane Smith, Jennie Bell Overby, George Gant, Eddie Mayo, Paul Watkins, Steven Bryant, Mattie Ruth Boatner, Brian Pike, Linda Lorraine Owens, Chester Lacy, Flora Smith, Larry Pruitt, Hershel Lamar Hutchings, Mack Shrader, Tony Laney, Jo Ann Hopkins, Jerry Crow, Pauline Gorham, Emma Mae Wright Smalley, Jim Ellis, Howard Gothard, Loyd Crye, Carl David Ellis, Eula Mae McCurdy, Thelma Crabtree, Paul Honea, Nellie Bowers, Bernard Ray Walker, Tom Gilbreath, Arthur Boydston, Cornelius Ellis, J.C. Crow, Bonnie Posey, Teresa Beaty, Larry Watkins, Alvin C. York, Junior Blevins, John Harvey Padgett, Miranda Dawn Lea, James Donald Howard, Dustin Snow, Milford Buffington, Morene Brown, Billie Collins, Wilma Culberson, William Rogers, J.B. Kennamer, Mae Gant, Cloa Pearl Tucker, Edgar Brown, Kellie Renee Bell Camp, Henry Allen, Mary Freeman Royal, Aubrey Russell, Hannah Martin, Junior Edmondson, Wilbert Adkins, Ronald Cushen, and Homer Benefield.

Loretta Smith and Amy Smith led 68b for the following sick and shut-ins: Eliza Harris, Angela Howard, Don Durden, Virginia Lea, and Joe Wright. The memorial lesson was closed with prayer by Billy Thompson.


David Ivey brought the afternoon session to order leading 43. Leaders: Amy Smith and Loretta Smith 573 (CB), 478 (CB); Alex Craig, Avalee Maxwell, and Betty Wright 511 (CB), 45t; Billy Thompson 448b, 535; Hobert Ivey and Sylvia Ivey 426t; Cindy Tanner 336, 436; Cheyenne Ivey and Jessica Ivey 47b, 128; Will Kerby and D.J. Starling 34t; Billy Williams 54t (CB); Norma Green 147b; Rodney Ivey and Sarah Jenkins 540, 563 (CB); Marian Biddle and Loyd Ivey 270, 420; Jewell Wootten 515 (CB); Winnie Blevins, Rodney Ivey, and David Ivey 136, 358; Loretta Smith 571 (CB), 518 (CB), 412 (by request); Henry Johnson 315 (CB) (by request); Mark Brown “Beulah Land” (by request).

The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Ed Thacker.

Co-Chairpersons—Loretta Smith and Amy Smith; Secretary—Amy Smith